Nick M
Nick M
With this code, you can extend the component with new props. ``` class MyDiv(html.Div): def __init__(self, children=None, className='some-class', total_items=None, page_size=10): # Fails with TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for /: 'NoneType'...
There seems to be a problem with setting the default values. Adding this code anywhere in the example program fixed the problem: ``` fig = go.Figure(layout=dict(template='plotly')) ```
Here is a similar problem [#1647]( The "value" attribute must be unique.
Hi @adkinsrs. The reordering of the data is proceeding not in the Clustegram component directly, but in the Dendrogram class from the plotly.figure_factory module. So we don't available to fix...
Hello @matt-buckley. Can you please provide an example app where this bug is reproduced?
This error is caused by a special CSS class used for documentation. A fix is currently under development and will be available soon
Hello! Try this updated code that will avoid the error: ``` from dash import Dash, dcc, html, Input, Output import dash_bootstrap_components as dbc import as px import pandas as...
Hi there!!! Your code uses the `dash._dash_renderer._set_react_version("18.2.0")` function to enable React 18.2.0 in Dash. However, it should be noted that this feature is experimental and not officially supported by the...
Hello! I have the same problem, did you find a solution?