Base64 copied to clipboard
+ (NSString *)stringWithBase64EncodedString:(NSString *)string
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBase64EncodedString:string];
if (data)
return [[self alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding];
return nil;
There is no need to use this library any more. See here for how to use the built-in Base64 apis instead (iOS 4 and up).
Thanks Nicklockwood, But I am getting this issue on iOS 6.
Are you using ARC?
Hmm. I can't see any reason why that would crash. Are you able to send me a project that demonstrates the issue?
It is working in all other places like encoding image and other text but in case of decoding "bankCode":"dGVzdA==" app getting crash , while i am able to decode this string online.
Ahhhhhh, Thanks nicklockwood for your kind suport and prompt response. i resolved this issue. It is due to build setting I enable Guard malloc and Zommbie object and Log exception in build setting. Once i remove this check it start working. Thank You
No problem, glad you found a solution :-)