pnmixer icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
pnmixer copied to clipboard

If visible, always display tooltip when changing volume on systray icon

Open landroni opened this issue 9 years ago • 3 comments

The xfce4-mixer panel-plugin has a nifty feature: if tooltip displaying current volume level is visible, using scrollwheel to adjust volume will keep tooltip visible at each step displaying the volume level. I find it very useful.

I think pnmixer could do the same, independently of Prefs > Enable Notifications. This is minor, but a nifty feature...

landroni avatar Aug 07 '15 17:08 landroni

I had a quick look, I'm not sure we can do that at the moment. PNMixer icon is created using GtkStatusIcon, and I didn't find many ways to interact with the tooltip. Xfce4 does that differently, they do not use GtkStatusIcon, instead they inherit GtkToggleButton, which itselfs is a GtkWidget. I believe there is most things that can be done this way.

Anyway, we have to get rid of GtkStatusIcon since it's deprecated. I think it will be done in the next PNMixer version. At this moment I'll will see what can be done with the tooltip.

elboulangero avatar Aug 10 '15 13:08 elboulangero

This shouldn't be a blocker for the release.

hasufell avatar Aug 10 '15 14:08 hasufell

Hey !

I have more info on that. I noticed that Volti uses GtkStatusIcon, and the tooltip remains displayed when scrolling on the icon. So what is the difference ? They use Gtk2, that's all.

I see two difference between Gtk2 and Gtk3:

  • in Gtk3, the tooltip is hidden when the icon is scrolled
  • in Gtk3, the signal "scroll_event" is sent twice instead of once

So basically, GtkStatusIcon is broken in Gtk3, nothing new here...

elboulangero avatar Dec 15 '15 11:12 elboulangero