tinymudserver copied to clipboard
An example MUD game written in C++
======================================================== Tiny Mud Server (tinymudserver)
Author: Nick Gammon Date: 27th July 2004 Web: http://www.gammon.com.au/
Post questions, comments, bug reports to the forum at:
(C) Copyright Nick Gammon 2004. Permission to copy, use, modify, sell and distribute this software is granted provided this copyright notice appears in all copies.
You may use it as a starting point for writing your own MUD server.
I would appreciated being credited in the event that you use this code.
This software is provided "as is" without express or implied warranty, and with no claim as to its suitability for any purpose.
The simplest way to compile the program is to type "make". This should use the enclosed "Makefile" to compile and link. If this doesn't work, to compile without using the makefile:
gcc tinymudserver.cpp -o tinymudserver -g -Wall
Run the server like this:
./tinymudserver &
The default behaviour is to listen for connections on port 4000 (change a constant in the code to alter this). To test the server you could connect to it like this:
telnet localhost 4000
There is an existing player file supplied, name "Nick" password "password". This player can use the goto, transfer, setflag, clearflag, and shutdown commands.
This program demonstrates a simple MUD (Multi-User Dungeon) server - in a single file.
It does the following:
- Accepts multiple connections from players
- Maintains a list of connected players
- Asks players for a name and password
- Saves player files to disk (name, password, current room, player flags)
- Implements the commands: quit, look, say, tell, help, goto, transfer, shutdown, setflag, clearflag
- Implements movement commands (eg. n, s, e, w)
- Illustrates sending messages to a single player (eg. a tell) or all players (eg. a say)
- Handles players disconnecting or quitting
- Illustrates a "connection dialog" - players get asked their name, then their password.
- Allows new players to create a character by specifying a name and password.
- Demonstrates using the Standard Template Library for lists, strings, vectors, maps and sets.
- Illustrates periodic messages using a timer (at present it just shows a message every 60 seconds)
- Illustrates rudimentary player control (eg. gagging players from talking)
- Loads room descriptions and exits from a disk file
- Loads messages from a disk file
- Loads control parameters from a disk file
As it stands the program is too simple to be used for a full MUD, however it could be the basis for writing your own. You would want to add things like this:
- Objects (eg. swords), taking/dropping things, etc.
- Fighting (if required)
- Building/extending online
- Logging events (eg. connections, disconnections, faults)
- Colour
- MCCP (compression)
- MXP (MUD Extension Protocol)
- Telnet negotiation