I2C_graphical_LCD_display copied to clipboard
lcd 128x64 i2c DIYmore not doing anything
i use this device BTW https://www.google.com/search?q=lcd+128x64+i2c&newwindow=1&safe=strict&sxsrf=ALeKk02qpiXWP5PtuYHuMy4ZHv_mXJOCjg:1589621346523&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjl-r79iLjpAhW17XMBHVCVCeYQ_AUoAXoECAsQAw&biw=1366&bih=616#imgrc=bLMSyCvRo7z3FM
@gunaone that's just a link to a Google search. Post a link to your display and adaptor.
If you are indeed using the DIY MORE adaptor and a ks0108 based display, then Nick's library does not support that currently (and does not claim to, so you are wrong to assume it would).
However, I have raised a pull request to update the library to support this adaptor. Nick has not merged my changes (and is under no obligation to do so). In the mean time, try my forked version of the library here . Once installed, you will need to edit I2C_graphical_LCD_display.h and uncomment line 55.
Hi @PaulRB thanks for your reply, N a was try your lib, but same thing, it's do nothing, I was uncomment line 55 BTW..
Run the "i2c_scanner" sketch from the examples menu in the Arduino IDE. Does it detect the adaptor? What address does it detect?
Run the "LCD_Demo_Using_I2C.ino" example sketch from this library to test your circuit.
i was run the i2c scanner, i get 32 (0x20) address... and i try your example and the other one still don't get correct display
Good to hear that the i2c scanner sketch works and reports the correct address. Did you solder the adaptor to the display correctly? Did you check for bad solder joints? Do you have another LCD display to test?
Is it possible that your LCD is an ST7920 model? The adaptor is designed for KS0108 model of LCD. I do not know if this adaptor and library will work with ST7920 and I do not have one to test.
As requested 2 days ago, please post a link to your display.
hi @PaulRB solder is good and everiting look ok. unfortunately i dont have another LCD.
and i cant find series LCD of it.
so i use 4 pin wire(RS, R/W,E,RST) and is runing ok with "u8lib" but is usefull if i can use i2c someday :)
thanks for your respon,
so i use 4 pin wire(RS, R/W,E,RST) and is runing ok with "u8lib"
Are you saying that the LCD works correctly using SPI bus instead of i2c adaptor? If so, my guess was correct and it must be an ST7920 LCD, not a KS0108 LCD.
If you want to use your I2C adaptor with a 128x64 LCD, then make sure to buy the KS0108 type.
If you understand and are happy, you should close this issue.
Ok, thanks @PaulRB ððð