Nick Desaulniers (paternity leave)

Results 129 comments of Nick Desaulniers (paternity leave)

Not sure about the js exectubale regarding best practices of having compiler specific build targets. I'll have to do some research, but I think it's doable. @juj probably knows.

so basically, the cmake build script would _have to_ be run twice; once to build the C++ code, and once to build the JS code, possibly removing the cmake cache...

> or set it to build to two different directories So I would have to move the source files into their own directories each with their own CMakeLists.txt?

I was hacking on this a little, I'll upstream some of my patches. The first step was to get everything to build, which I have.

[syscall IDs used]( | name | [Linux]( | [Apple]( | same fn signature | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | write | 1 | 4 |...

I think we should use the preprocessor to check for [OS specific symbols]( and have conditional assembling. [example](

looks like the system call number need to be shifted. I have verified this, will try to find more info as to why: edit: see also: