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An eslint rule that checks the top of files and --fix them too!

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An eslint rule that checks the top of files and --fix them too!


npm i eslint-plugin-notice

Throw an error when a file doesn't have copyright notice

        "notice/notice":["error",{"mustMatch":"Copyright \\(c\\) [0-9]{0,4}, Nick Deis"}]

Add a template to --fix it

        "mustMatch":"Copyright \\(c\\) [0-9]{0,4}, Nick Deis",
        "template":"/** Copyright (c) <%= YEAR %>, Nick Deis **/"

or use a file


 * Copyright (c) <%= YEAR %>, Nick Deis
        "mustMatch":"Copyright \\(c\\) [0-9]{0,4}, Nick Deis",

or just use your template, eslint-plugin-notice will reverse into a pattern for mustMatch


Want a more expressive template? Add templateVars and varRegexps config/copyright.js

 * Copyright (c) <%= YEAR %>, <%= NAME %>
        //YEAR will still be added unless you add your own value
        templateVars:{NAME:"Nick Deis"},
        //The regexp for YEAR is /20\d{2}/ and is automatically added
        varRegexps:{NAME:/(Nick|Nicholas) Deis/}


Option Description Default/Required/Optional Type
mustMatch A pattern that must be present in the notice Required unless template is set RegExp/string
template A lodash template that will be used to fix files that do not match mustMatch or are less than nonMatchingTolerance Optional unless mustMatch is not set string
templateFile template will override this setting. A file which contains the template Optional string
chars The number of characters to check for the mustMatch pattern 1000 number
templateVars The variables to be used with the lodash template, always contains the variable YEAR {YEAR:new Date().getFullYear()} object
onNonMatchingHeader Action that should be taken when there is a header comment, but it does not match mustMatch or is less than nonMatchingTolerance "prepend" string
nonMatchingTolerance Optional fallback for mustMatch. Compares a non-matching header comment (if it exists) to the resolved template using Metric Longest Common Subsequence. 1 means the strings must be exactly the same, where anything less is varying degrees of dissimiliar. .70 seems like a good choice Optional number between 0 and 1
varRegexps If mustMatch is not set and template is set, a regexp that will be replaced in the template to create a regexp for mustMatch {YEAR:/20\d{2}/} object
messages Allows you to change the error messages. See messages Optional object


  • prepend: Prepends the fix template, if it exists, leaving the former header comment intact.
  • replace: Replaces the former header comment with the fix template if it exists
  • report: Does not apply fix, simply reports it based on the level assigned to the rule ("error" or "warn")


The messages option allows you to change the default error messages. There are three messages you can change by passing in an object with the pairs you wish to change. For example, if you want to change the default message for when a header does not match mustMatch:

            "mustMatch":"Apache License",
                "whenFailedToMatch":"Couldn't find 'Apache License', are you sure you added it?"

The three configurable messages are:

  • whenFailedToMatch: When the header fails to match the mustMatch pattern.
  • reportAndSkip: When using "onNonMatchingHeader":"report" and a non-matching notice is found.
  • whenOutsideTolerance: When you using nonMatchingTolerance to check for notice similarity and it fails to be similar enough. Passes in similarity as a template variable (eg "The similarity is {{ similarity }}")