We could ... - explain how to navigate the shell - explain [different editors]( - give some basic information to [lower the bar](
- what's the home directory - what's the document root - where am I allowed to write, where am I not - what's a database in contrast to files -...
- what's a CLI in contrast to a GUI - how to navigate the shell: `pwd`, `cd`, etc with examples - what's a symlink - access rights? - how to...
look at [theme issue](
> Mit dem Plugin [sphinx-pretty-searchresults]( das man mit einem > Einzeiler in der einbinden kann werden die Files in _sources/ > ausgetauscht gegen Files in denen nur Inhalt steht....
Change `[isabell@stardust commento]$ wget` to `[isabell@stardust commento]$ wget` and check if the guide is compatible with 1.8.0