Jakob Voß

Results 413 issues of Jakob Voß

This is a rather broad issue, not a specific feature request, as I did not find any mention of [Data Format Description Language (DFDL)]() in this repository. I have not...

First thanks for this great work! CSV format can be troublesome because of its many dialects. If support of CSV is going to be extended, I recommend using the [CSV...

[@wader wrote](https://github.com/wader/fq/issues/529#issuecomment-1357685784): > 👍 I wonder if some formats in fq could have links to these projects? currently format refrences are kept in `.md` ex https://github.com/wader/fq/blob/master/format/mp4/mp4.md#references I think the best...

[Storing as documented](https://www.npmjs.com/package/n3#storing): ~~~js #!/usr/bin/env node const N3 = require('n3') const { DataFactory } = N3 const { namedNode, literal, defaultGraph, quad } = DataFactory const store = new N3.Store()...

Modified the Fuseki UI to show a list of graphs without triple counts in /edit view by default because counting all graphs is slow and the /edit interface becomes unusable...

Fuseki UI

### Version 4.7.0 ### Feature The "edit" view at `/#/dataset/NAME/edit` is barely usable for large sets of graphs because the number of triples is counted for each graph, a time-consuming...

Fuseki UI

### Version 4.7.0 ### Feature As configured in its default [shiro.ini](https://github.com/apache/jena/blob/main/jena-fuseki2/jena-fuseki-webapp/src/main/resources/org/apache/jena/fuseki/webapp/shiro.ini), a Fuseki server allows read- and write-access from anywhere by default. This is a very dangerous default. I'd change...


### Version 4.7.0 ### Feature The default SPARQL query ~~~sparql PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: SELECT * WHERE { ?sub ?pred ?obj . } LIMIT 10 ~~~ Should be extendable with...


SPARQL request failures are a common problem (see #51 and #49) but cannot be avoided for complex queries. Better document reasons and workaround and possibly add a more helpful error...

The description of parameters in Swagger is not very helpful, e.g. > A value of type string that will substitute ?_name in the original query How about adding a decorator...
