docker-consul-envoy copied to clipboard
envoy proxy in k8s with consul agent.
Can I use this inside k8s cluster so that I do not have to inject envoy proxy automatically ?
You could, but the injector system for Consul does way more than just run the proxy. It has the ability to define a basic service config and obtain the correct ACL token based on the Kubernetes service account.
If you can my recommendation is to use the Consul-K8s application installed with the Helm chart.
Also sorry for the ridiculously slow reply.
Thank you for your reply. we could make distributed tracing, traffic splitting and traffic routing work with k8s and consul.
is there any way to make consul circuit-breaker and k8s to work together, any working example ? this has become deal breaker for us, should we use istio install of consul if that functionality is still not available ?