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Dynamic Combat Generator is an Arma 3 mod designed to help mission makers quickly enhance their cooperative scenarios.
Requires the latest version of Community Based Addons. Please, use the Issue Tracker to report a bug or propose a feature.
What is DCG?
Dynamic Combat Generator is an Arma 3 server mod designed to help mission makers quickly enhance their cooperative scenarios by supplying a collection of easy to use, modular addons. DCG's addons are highly customizable and allow creators to populate their missions with ease.
What's Included in DCG?
- Modularity
- Save/load functionality
- Occupied cities with patrolling and garrisoned enemies
- Scaling enemy strength
- Dynamically spawned patrols
- Enemy static emplacements and sniper teams
- Populated cities
- Civilian interaction
- Roadside IEDs
- Dynamically spawned civilian traffic
- Hostile civilians
- Terrain based animal spawns
- Approval system
- FOB system
- Transport system
- Dynamic weather
- Dynamic simulation support
- Headless client support
- ACE3 support
- ACRE2 support
- TFAR support
- Coop mission templates
How Do I Use DCG?
The latest version of Community Based Addons is required on the server and client.
- Extract the DCG and CBA zip files to the server's Arma 3 folder
- After extracting the files, @dcg and @cba_a3 should exist in the server's Arma 3 directory
- To configure a mission for DCG, take a quick look at Setting up a DCG compatible mission
- If you wish to customize DCG's settings, check out the Settings Framework