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A Hacker News clone in Clojure
A Hacker News clone written in Clojure using Noir.
Created for Hacker School batch[2].
A live version is viewable at http://news.hackerschool.com. Login on this site is restricted to Hacker School students and alumni.
First install leiningen
brew install leiningen
Clone this repository and run
lein deps
lein ring server
By default, new user registration is disabled. If you want to enable user registration, uncomment the relevant lines in src/hsnews/views/common.clj
and src/hsnews/views/user.clj
Deployment specific code for dotcloud is included in src/hsnews/db.clj
to load environment variables. If a DOTCLOUD_DATA_MONGODB_URL
variable isn't present, then the site falls back to using a local mongodb database.
There is also the ability to use an external server for authentication. By default, users are authenticaed against the local database. If an AUTH_URL
environment variable is present then that URL will be used for authentication.
Copyright (C) 2012 Hacker School
Distributed under the terms of the AGPL