Nicholas Miklaucic
Nicholas Miklaucic
I think I figured this out, at least on my system (latest version of `ob-ipython`, `ipython` version 6.1.0, `python` version 3.6.2 with Anaconda). I got this error too, and I...
We must have different errors with the same error message. Can you try invoking `toggle-debug-on-error`and then running it, or if that doesn't work trying `toggle-debug-on-entry` with `json-read`?
Try invoking `toggle-debug-on-entry` with `json-read` to see what it's choking on: your error seems different as it's for running code, AFAIK.
Can you try doing the `toggle-debug-on-error` thing I mentioned above this? It looks like it's choking on something that's supposed to be JSON, but you can't actually see what the...
I have jupyter 4.3.0. Perhaps that's important? If it is, this belongs as a separate bug. On Tue, Dec 26, 2017 at 6:53 PM Adolfo De Unánue wrote: > Also,...
5.2., my bad: didn't realize the version counters were different. On Wed, Dec 27, 2017 at 1:04 AM Adolfo De Unánue wrote: > Actually my jupyter version is 4.4.0, the...
Some people may prefer to output numbers in Chinese numerals instead of the Arabic numeral system. A cursory glance at doesn't reveal any crates that have `nalgebra` and a...
Another use case, beyond mine, is computer algebra systems or other libraries that want to implement symbolic expressions. Perhaps that's more common than different languages. You make an excellent point—allowing...
The best solution would be to get the closest in-bounds color. The easier solution would be to simply clamp the values to within [0, 1].
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