vue-common-components copied to clipboard
Simple and common Vue1.* components,It has been stopped maintenance long ago(!已停止维护).
Vue Common Components
Demo and instructions
Vue Component Desc And Demo | ~~vue-components-doc@gitbook~~
Prepare the environment
// install/update nodejs (Version 4.0 and above)
git clone
cd vue-common-components
//安装npm插件;(PS: 可自行更改 package.json 选择所需安装的插件[gulp系非必须])
npm install
//全局安装 webpack
npm install -g webpack
//运行demo示例(Example Document)
cd demo
webpack -w
Usage by importing components modules
<template lang='jade'>
<count-down :time.sync="time" :is-complete-show-hms="isCompleteShowHms" :start.sync="isStartCount"></count-down>
<script type="text/javascript">
import countDown from 'countDown'
import popupToast from 'popupToast'
export default {
data () {
return {
isCompleteShowHms: true,
time: 0,
isStartCount: false,
components: {
methods: {
onStartCountClick: function(){
this.time = 9;
this.isStartCount = true;
showPopupToast: function( text ){
var toastMsg = {
bodyText: text,
timer: 2222, //可不传;默认2000ms
callBackFunc: null // 可不传,默认null;
this.$broadcast('show-popup-toast', toastMsg);
events: {
'on-countdown-finish': function (countNum) {
// callback of countdown finished(countNum)
this.showPopupToast( "countdown had down; countNum = " + countNum )
<style media="screen">
color: #fe0;
Additional recommendations
- 推荐结合使用 Es6 Jade Sass(webpack配置已支持) 以及 Gulp(处理sftp上传,图片压缩,雪碧图等等等等)
- 推荐使用 Atom / SublimeText3 编辑器(如何优雅地使用Sublime Text, 新编码神器Atom使用纪要);
- 推荐使用 Cmder 命令行工具(Win下必备神器之Cmder)
- 其他推荐:Chrome-Vimmium,搜索神器 Listary,快启利器 Wox等,可参见 那些所倚靠的利器记载.
以上内容仅代表编写 README 时之前的经验心得;后续将持续学习,探究,更新。last modify:16-06-17 。