netease-music copied to clipboard
NetEase Music Library for Emacs.
- NetEase Music Library for Emacs
** Installnation
Install names.
Install mplayer.
Install [[][Binaryify's NeteaseCloudMusicApi]], and start this API server. The default server address is http://localhost:3000.
Download music.el from github and add this file to your load-path. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (add-to-list 'load-path "your-path-to-netease-music.el") #+END_SRC
You need to request this url: http://localhost:3000/login/cellphone?phone=YOUR-PHONE-NUMBER&password=YOUR-PASSWORD.
Replace YOUR-PHONE-NUMBER with your real phone number(China) and YOUR-PASSWORD with your real password.
Get YOUR-USER-ID from 'account'. Just like this. [[./images/get_id.png]]
Config. #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (require 'netease-music) (setq netease-music-username "YOUR-PHONE-NUMBER") (setq netease-music-user-password "YOUR-PASSWORD") (setq netease-music-user-id "YOUR-USER-ID") ;; api address default is http://localhost:3000 (setq netease-music-api "YOUR-API-ADDRESS") #+END_SRC
Enjoy. [[file:images/playlist.png]]
** Useage
- =M-x netease-music-init-frame= Initialize netease-music buffer.
- =M-x netease-music-jump-into= Jump into the playlist.
- =M-x netease-music-jump-into= Play current song.
- =M-x netease-music-play-next= Play next song in this playlist.
- =M-x netease-music-play-toggle= Toggle current playing status.
- =M-x netease-music-search= Search songs.
- =M-x netease-music-get-current-playing-artist-songs= Get current playing artist's Best 50 songs.
** Hot Key setting(Evil) #+BEGIN_SRC elisp (evil-define-key 'normal netease-music-mode-map (kbd "RET") 'netease-music-jump-into) (evil-define-key 'normal netease-music-mode-map (kbd "n") 'netease-music-play-next) (evil-define-key 'normal netease-music-mode-map (kbd "p") 'netease-music-toggle) (evil-define-key 'normal netease-music-mode-map (kbd "q") 'quit-window) #+END_SRC
** TODOList [8/8]
- [X] 登录
- [X] 获取所有歌单
- [X] 获取歌单详情
- [X] 播放歌曲
- [X] 显示歌词
- [X] 搜索歌曲
** Thanks [[][Binaryify's NeteaseCloudMusicApi]] For the music api service.
[[][WangyiMusic]] For the process code.