NHOS icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
NHOS copied to clipboard

NiceHash OS

NiceHash OS is a minimal standalone Linux operating system containing everything you need to start mining crypto-currency efficiently.

NiceHash OS bootable flash drive

To create NiceHash OS bootable flash drive you will first need to download NiceHash OS image (an .img.gz file), and then use special application that writes an image to a USB drive. You cannot simply copy the image file to a USB drive, you must use special software to write it properly.

Note For creating NiceHash OS flash drive, you will need elevated privileges on your system (administrator privileges on Windows and root privileges on macOS or Linux).

Warning The process described below will delete any data currently on your flash drive. Make sure to back up your flash drive's data to another storage location before proceeding.

Using NiceHash Flash Tool

NiceHash Flash Tool tool not only provides cross-platform image burning capabilities, but it is also extremely easy to use. There is no need to download the NiceHash OS image beforehand, this tool will do this for you.

Using other tools

When using tools other than NiceHash Flash Tool, you need to download the latest NiceHash OS image from our website beforehand and then write it to a USB drive using balenaEtcher or any other similar tool.

Note When using tools other than NiceHash Flash Tool to flash the image to the flash drive, you need to manually adjust the configuration file adding your mining address at a minimum.

Note If you prefer to use command line tools instead, there are three simple steps to write an image file using dd tool

  1. Decompress NiceHash OS image file gunzip nhos-x.x.x.img.gz
  2. Define output device to write an image file to /dev/sda
  3. Start image writing process dd if=nhos-x.x.x.img of=/dev/sda bs=4M && sync

Warning Be careful defining output device, wrong usage of the dd tool can lead to irreversible damage to your system!


At this point, you should have everything prepared to start using NiceHash OS. All you need to do now is to plug NiceHash OS flash drive into your mining machine and turn it on!