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Graphviz support

Open hermanzdosilovic opened this issue 8 years ago • 4 comments

Hey @nicbou,

I have added Graphviz support using viz.js.

Please take a look at templates/notes/

Best regards, Herman

hermanzdosilovic avatar Aug 16 '16 06:08 hermanzdosilovic

I will have to test this one, but I believe this is a fantastic addition. To think I used to draw those manually, then import the screenshot...

nicbou avatar Aug 16 '16 08:08 nicbou

I tested a bit further and it seems that Viz() is throwing an error when it can't parse given string. We should catch that error and render appropriate message in that block. Example of this procedure is done here. Hopefully I will update my PR with this feature by end of this week.

hermanzdosilovic avatar Aug 16 '16 15:08 hermanzdosilovic

Hmm there could be actually easier way of implementing this and through tool called mermaid, which is actually based on markdown-like notation and can be easily integrated with marked.js

AuHau avatar Nov 02 '16 09:11 AuHau

In any case, I would opt for an already popular solution. Markdown and LaTeX are very well-known already, and a third or fourth addition should be equally popular.

Alternatively, we could consider supporting embeddable content, including graphs from some popular tool.

nicbou avatar Nov 06 '16 11:11 nicbou