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Deadlock sometimes
Someone told me that had a problem when a non-admin creates a report: the ruby process which gets started consumes 100% of CPU. This happens in the following conditions:
- passenger, webrick and thin
- redmine 1.1.2
I am facing same issue with Thin and Redmine 1.1.0. Is there any fix on this?
Iam getting the same problem with WebRick and Redmine 1.1.0 even when an administrator tries to create a report.When I checked the development log I got the warning "Can't mass-assign these protected attributes:project_id,id,user_id,tweek".So I commented the attribute_protected statement in the TimeEntry model.Then I got the warning "Can't mass-assign these protected attributes: project_id, id, user_id,tweek, billed_hours, comments, issue_id, activity_id,spent_on, hours".To fix this I added the statement "attr_accessible :project_id, :id, :user_id, :tweek, :billed_hours, :comments, :issue_id, :activity_id, :spent_on, :hours" in the TimeEntry model.But Iam still getting the warning "Can't mass-assign these protected attributes: id" and the problem still persists.Can any one please help me out?
The mass assign warning should be resolved, the deadlock issue is more important. Can you post the mass-assignment warning in a new ticket?