SpaceAlertMissionGenerator copied to clipboard
mission doesn't radomize - button not so intuitive
Suggestion: make a big button for a new mission next to the already existing big button to replay the mission, so that it becomes more clear how to get a new random mission, for first-time users.
I'm adding this enhancement suggestion to keep a record of it (since I don't know if the author will agree to it), and I'm removing my comment in google play, but I'm saving my original comment here, after the explanation to my suggestion.
The first time I tried the app, the game only randomized the zones, not the times where everything happened (incoming data, threats, communications down). After that I wrote my review in Google Play and closed the app. Later I opened it again and ran it, this time it was randomized. Finally I realized that I had to click on the small/discreet "add" button on the top to have a different mission, and that the big "play" button on the botton would just play again the same mission.... (yes, of course I didn't read the help... who does? ;D )
"the original missions have an average of 2 serious threats (4 missions with 2, 2 with 3 and 2 with 1); during my first 4 tries of this app, I had only 1 Serious threat (which makes me always have 6 threats in total). It would be nice if you could incorporate the same ratio as the official missions in your randomizer. The same goes for when the 1st threat appears: I always had threats already in T+1, but the original audio have 4 missions starting in T+2, 2 in T+1 and 2 in T+3. Possible bugs:I always got 6 "incoming data", but it's configured with a range "2 - 4". Unconfirmed report was always at T+3, the one serious threat was always at T+4. the one internal threat was always at T+7, never serious. It seemed like it was only randomizing the zones..."
Definitely will work on clarifying the new random and replay random. Will target next release.
In the future please make a new issue for the second part...
The randomizers try a best fit scenario based on how much time you allocate and what you request. I agree it is annoying to ask for certain settings then get something quite different sometimes. I was thinking as part of the new random mission design a confirmation screen with what you actually got might be in order, how does that sound?
Sorry about not making a new issue, but I don't know what is the "second part"... is it about the 6 "incoming data"? I will add another bug for that then, to separate from the usability situation which was my goal in this issue. About your proposal, I didn't understand the confirmation screen. If it's about the "incoming data", we can discuss in the other issue.
Thanks for separating them, mainly just keeps it more focused on where we target fixing etc.
As for my proposal it was meant for what actually it could fit in the mission. It should never go outside the boundaries though, so that is targeted as a bug fix in the other issue. I meant more like if you have 2-4 and you get 3 you may want to know that in a confirmation screen?
I personally wouldn't want to have any information ahead of time (like how many incoming data/data transfers I will have in total). I can always have the hopes that I might get one more, if I don't know how many they are. Not knowing what to expect is the main reason for me to use a generator instead of the existing missions. :)
Agreed, ok i will just focus on the bug related stuff in that area for now.