Added responses to events in 0.9.0
Hi @albsch, is this and issue still presented in new version 0.15.2? Thanks
Hello, would you be please able to recreate this bug in something like codepen? Or maybe provide more details under which conditions it occurs so I could simulate it? Finding...
Hello, yes, this would require some tweaks from bloben side, probably in one of the next releases. Api key for access is another story. Each user would be responsible for...
Hi, I don't think internal nginx config in container is issue here, it looks more like real server nginx config issue when using subpaths like _/calendar_. I had same result...
Hi, sorry for confusion and thanks for pointing it. 👍 I will try to clarify it more in setup and instructions.
What provider is it please? Could you try to add URL as **** without /CALDAV?
Might be fixed in 0.15.5 version
Hi, thank you :) I think it is still not possible to register intent in web app for calendar files like in native apps. I found workaround by connecting Bloben...
Hi, I haven't any specific plan about including VJOURNAL, but this will be for discussion how and where to include it so it would make sense in terms of design...