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Painless platform portability - seamlessly run your app on your dev box and many PaaS providers.

Every PaaS

Considering running your Node.JS app on a Platform-as-a-Service provider such as Heroku, dotCloud, Nodejitsu - or testing it with Travis or doing testing & continuous deployment with Strider?

EveryPaaS handles all the annoying platform-specific details so that you don't have to. EveryPaas also makes local development a breeze according to 12-factor app best practices.

EveryPaaS detects which environment your app is running in and abstracts away the details of how to connect to external resources.

If you write your app with EveryPaaS, you and your users will be able to seamlessly run it on your dev box and any of a number of platform providers - without changing a single line of code!

Supported Platforms

  • Heroku
  • Nodejitsu
  • Strider
  • Travis CI
  • dotCloud
  • Your dev box

Supported Services

  • MongoDB - everypaas.getMongodbUrl()

    • including MongoLab and MongoHQ in Heroku Marketplace
  • MySQL - everypaas.getMysqlUrl()

    • including ClearDB and Xeround in Heroku Marketplace
  • PostgreSQL - everypaas.getPostgresqlUrl()

  • Redis - everypaas.getRedisUrl()

    • including Redis To Go and Open Redis in Heroku Marketplace
  • Solr - everypaas.getSolrUrl()

    • including Web Solr in Heroku Marketplace
  • SMTP - everypaas.getSMTP()

    • including SendGrid and Mailgun in Heroku Marketplace


EveryPaaS is available in NPM. Simply type npm install everypaas to install it.


EveryPaaS has a very simple API. When you require EveryPaaS, it will detect which environment it is running in.


var everypaas = require('everypaas')

var mongodbUrl = everypaas.getMongodbUrl()

Complete API



everypaas.getMongodbUrl() - Returns the URL for the MongoDB service. On Heroku, this will work with both MongoLab and MongoHQ add-ons.


everypaas.getMysqlUrl() - Returns the URL for the MySQL service. On Heroku, this will work with both ClearDB and Xeround add-ons.


everypaas.getPostgresqlUrl() - Returns the URL for the PostgreSQL service.


everypaas.getRedisUrl() - Returns the URL for the Redis service. On Heroku, this will work with both Redis To Go and Open Redis add-ons.


everypaas.getRedisUrl() - Returns the URL for the Solr service. On Heroku, this will work with the Web Solr add-on.


everypaas.getSMTP() - Returns an argument which can be applied to nodemailer module createTransport function. On Heroku, this will work with both Mailgun and SendGrid add-ons. Example:

var everypaas = require('everypaas')
var nodemailer = require('nodemailer')

var transport = nodemailer.createTransport.apply(null, everypaas.getSMTP())
    from: "[email protected]", // sender address
    to: "[email protected]", // list of receivers
    subject: "EveryPaaS", // Subject line
    text: "NOMP stack FTW", // plaintext body_template
    html: "<html><body>NOMP stack FTW</body></html>" // html body
  }, function(err, response) {
    // handle success / failure


everypaas.paas - The detected platform. Value is one of:

  • everypaas.HEROKU (Heroku)
  • everypaas.DOTCLOUD (dotCloud)
  • everypaas.STRIDER (Strider)
  • everypaas.TRAVIS (Travis)
  • everypaas.NODEJITSU (Nodejitsu)
  • everypaas.NONE (dev box / unknown)

everypaas.herokuEnvironment - Contains the full Heroku configuration environment.

everypaas.dotCloudEnvironment - Contains the full dotCloud configuration environment. This can be useful to retrieve custom confuration variables or if you have multiple instances of the same service.

everypaas.striderEnvironment - Contains the full Strider configuration environment.


EveryPaaS has a comprehensive test suite. This can be executed by running npm test in the project root.