nhost-dart copied to clipboard
start_example_server: failed to apply migrations
I've got this error message while trying to run the example server on Ubuntu-20.04 in WSL2 (Windows 10):
$ git clone https://github.com/nhost/nhost-dart.git --depth 1
$ cd nhost-dart/tool/
$ ./start_example_server
~/temp/nhost-dart/tool/example_server/functions ~/temp/nhost-dart/tool
~/temp/nhost-dart/tool/example_server ~/temp/nhost-dart/tool
> Initializing Hasura client
> start timeout is set to 10m0s
> Stopping docker compose
> Starting docker compose
> Starting functions
> Starting postgres, graphql-engine containers...
> Waiting for graphql-engine service to be ready
> Waiting for all containers to be up and running
> It takes longer than usual to start your Nhost project. Most likely because of the need to install your npm dependencies. Please wait.
> Processing...
> Ensuring S3 bucket exists
> Checking if migrations need to be applied
> Applying migrations
ERRO skipping applying migrations on database default, encountered:
"code": "postgres-error",
"error": "query execution failed",
"internal": {
"arguments": [],
"error": {
"description": null,
"exec_status": "FatalError",
"hint": null,
"message": "must be owner of table files",
"status_code": "42501"
"prepared": false,
"statement": "alter table \"storage\".\"files\"\n add constraint \"files_uploaded_by_user_id_fkey\"\n foreign key (\"uploaded_by_user_id\")\n references \"auth\".\"users\"\n (\"id\") on update no action on delete cascade;\n"
"path": "$"
FATA[0001] operation failed on : default
> Start took 49.9582051s
> [failed to apply migrations: exit status 1
<nil>] Failed to start services
> Stopping docker compose
If you wanna try WSL2 but is using other operanting system try this free MS Windows VM that comes with WSL2 pre-installed: https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/downloads/virtual-machines/ I am using real Windows 10 but I believe the same issue will arise on the VM.
I have tried it in Bodhi Linux 6.0.0 (Ubuntu-based) and got exactly the same error
We are working on a new major version. This should be fixed on the new dev version + new nhost CLI. you need to update both CLI and check out a new version Check this out nhost_sdk: ^4.0.0-dev.8
or this link