toast-ui.vue-image-editor copied to clipboard
SVG icons are not displayed on the editor
I created a basic implementation of the TOAT UI using vuejs however I am facing an issue with the svg icons which are not displayed somehow. I tried everything importing directly the icons on the header of HTML, using vuejs ... the icons are loaded by not displayed.
<div class="imageEditorApp">
<tui-image-editor ref="tuiImageEditor"
// Load Style Code
import "tui-code-snippet";
import "fabric";
import "tui-image-editor";
import { ImageEditor, whiteTheme } from "@toast-ui/vue-image-editor";
// To use the basic UI, the svg files for the icons is required.
import 'tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-a.svg';
import 'tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-b.svg';
import 'tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-c.svg';
import 'tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-d.svg';
import "tui-image-editor/dist/tui-image-editor.css";
export default {
name: "KeyImageEditor",
props: ["label", "required", "max", "type"],
data: function() {
return {
useDefaultUI: true,
options: {
// for options prop
selectionStyle: {
cornerSize: 20,
rotatingPointOffset: 70
includeUI: {
theme: whiteTheme, // or whiteTheme
menuBarPosition: "bottom",
menu: [
initMenu: "filter"
computed: {},
methods: {
onAddText(pos) {},
onObjectMoved(props) {}},
watch: {},
components: {
"tui-image-editor": ImageEditor
import { ImageEditor, whiteTheme } from "@toast-ui/vue-image-editor";
Where is whitetheme from?
Delete the includeUI.theme
property from the options
If you want to use a custom theme, check out the example here
@jungeun-cho thank you, but this is not the problem, I remove it but it still same issue with this svg, but the way the xlink:href is deprecated.
Same issue for me as well
you should add rule for the vue.config.js file ,code as example:
const path = require('path');
module.exports = {
filenameHashing: false,
chainWebpack: config => {
name: '[name].[ext]',
outputPath: ''
seen in example,
// To use the default UI, the svg files for the icons is required
import 'tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-a.svg'; import 'tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-b.svg'; import 'tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-c.svg'; import 'tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-d.svg';
Thanks @lewis-ing it worked.
Same issue for me as well and my project use vue-cli2. how to dealwith by vue-cli2?
const icona = require('tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-a.svg')
const iconb = require('tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-b.svg')
const iconc = require('tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-c.svg')
const icond = require('tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-d.svg')
//const bg = require('tui-image-editor/examples/img/bg.png')
var blackTheme = { // or white
// main icons
'menu.normalIcon.path': icond,
'menu.activeIcon.path': iconb,
'menu.disabledIcon.path': icona,
'menu.hoverIcon.path': iconc,
And in option :
options: {
includeUI: {
theme: blackTheme, // or white
This solution work for me.
Thanks @arifhussain353 it worked
you should add rule for the vue.config.js file ,code as example:
const path = require('path'); module.exports = { filenameHashing: false, chainWebpack: config => { config.module .rule('svg') .use('file-loader') .options({ name: '[name].[ext]', outputPath: '' }); } };
Dude thnx mate this really worked!!! You made my day :D
I changed the outputPath and it worked.
outputPath: 'Sketch_Edit/'
my Vue router
path: '/Sketch_Edit/:Product_No',
meta: {
title: 'dev - Sketch_Edit'
name: 'Sketch_Edit',
component: () => import('./components/pages/Sketch_Edit.vue')
you should add rule for the vue.config.js file ,code as example:
const path = require('path'); module.exports = { filenameHashing: false, chainWebpack: config => { config.module .rule('svg') .use('file-loader') .options({ name: '[name].[ext]', outputPath: '' }); } };
It worked for me, too. Normally SVG displayed Pic Thanks!! But when I change Vue router path, SVG icons are not displayed... It's my Code
path: '/test/Sketch_Edit',
meta: {
title: 'dev - Sketch_Edit'
name: 'Sketch_Edit',
component: () => import('./components/pages/Sketch_Edit.vue')
So I can't set up route.params to do something, it bothers me a lot. Should I add or change something in vue.config.js ?
It worked for me.
import { ImageEditor } from '@toast-ui/vue-image-editor'
// copy example white-theme.js to project and export it
import whiteTheme from '@/assets/sass/components/white.js'
import 'tui-image-editor/dist/tui-image-editor.min.css'
import icona from 'tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-a.svg'
import iconb from 'tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-b.svg'
import iconc from 'tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-c.svg'
import icond from 'tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-d.svg'
whiteTheme['menu.normalIcon.path'] = icond
whiteTheme['menu.activeIcon.path'] = iconb
whiteTheme['menu.disabledIcon.path'] = icona
whiteTheme['menu.hoverIcon.path'] = iconc
whiteTheme['submenu.normalIcon.path'] = icond
whiteTheme['submenu.activeIcon.path'] = iconb
useDefaultUI: true,
options: {
includeUI: {
theme: whiteTheme
const icona = require('tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-a.svg') const iconb = require('tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-b.svg') const iconc = require('tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-c.svg') const icond = require('tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-d.svg') //const bg = require('tui-image-editor/examples/img/bg.png') var blackTheme = { // or white // main icons 'menu.normalIcon.path': icond, 'menu.activeIcon.path': iconb, 'menu.disabledIcon.path': icona, 'menu.hoverIcon.path': iconc, }
And in option :
options: { includeUI: { theme: blackTheme, // or white } }
This solution work for me.
but second menu-icon can not show?
This worked for me!
`import 'tui-image-editor/dist/tui-image-editor.css' const icona = require('tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-a.svg') const iconb = require('tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-b.svg') const iconc = require('tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-c.svg') const icond = require('tui-image-editor/dist/svg/icon-d.svg')
var blackTheme = { 'menu.normalIcon.path': icond, 'menu.activeIcon.path': iconb, 'menu.disabledIcon.path': icona, 'menu.hoverIcon.path': iconc, 'submenu.normalIcon.path': icond, 'submenu.activeIcon.path': iconb }
import { ImageEditor } from '@toast-ui/vue-image-editor'`