esp32-micro-sdcard copied to clipboard
Certain variables defined in **SdFat.h** is conflicting with **_default_fcntl.h** We are accessing SPIFS and SD card both which uses FS.h. Hence the conflicts. How can we solve this?
Hello guys, I'm using this library with my esp32-wrover board and I wanted to change the SPI frequency but couldnt manage it. I measured the clock freq and saw 1.8MHz...
I've downloaded and included the libraries: #include "UDHttp.h" #include "mySD.h>" When I try to compile, Demo 39: ESP32/8266 multipart upload a file and download a file via HTTP I get...
how to remove content in file Micro SD?
Hi, I used the library for some time now, but this week my nextion came in. I tried to use both in the same sketch... But now nothing works anymore......
I'm using an 8 GB SD card although this is what I get from this library: ``` Initializing SD card... initialized successfully! Volume type is FAT32 Volume size (bytes): 3644850176...