esp32-http-firmware-update-over-the-air copied to clipboard
update firmware for esp32/esp8266 via http. It means ESP using http to download firmware and flashing firmware to it..
i tried to compile the code today and it gives me a weird error ``` /home/ubuntu/Arduino/hardware/espressif/esp32/tools/sdk/lib/liblwip.a(md5.o): In function `md5': Multiple libraries were found for "WiFi.h" /Users/ficeto/Desktop/ESP32/ESP32/esp-idf-public/components/lwip/netif/ppp/polarssl/md5.c:292: multiple definition of `md5'...
What should i put in the certificate field in order to connect successfully? The .crt file? The .pem file content? (String) The .key file or content? Help me pls!
Hi, I am trying the esp32httpfota example, in the server I think that it works, but when I enter 1, in the esp32 doesn´t download the firmware it shows in...