store copied to clipboard
feat(devtools-plugin): added new options to the NgxsDevtoolsOptions inteface
PR Checklist
Please check if your PR fulfills the following requirements:
- [x ] The commit message follows our guidelines:
- [ x] Tests for the changes have been added (for bug fixes / features)
- [ x] Docs have been added / updated (for bug fixes / features)
PR Type
What kind of change does this PR introduce?
[ ] Bugfix
[x] Feature
[ ] Code style update (formatting, local variables)
[ ] Refactoring (no functional changes, no api changes)
[ ] Build related changes
[ ] CI related changes
[ ] Documentation content changes
[ ] Other... Please describe:
What is the current behavior?
User unable to pass options to the redux dev tools because we don't have all options described in NgxsDevtoolsOptions interface
Issue Number: N/A
What is the new behavior?
Added new option types that allow filtering actions in dev mode
- latency
- actionsBlacklist
- actionsWhitelist
- predicate
Does this PR introduce a breaking change?
[ ] Yes
[x ] No
Other information
Unchanged files (6)
Status | Path | Size | Limits |
:white_check_mark: | fesm5/ngxs-store.js |
137.67KB | 145KB / +0.5% |
:white_check_mark: | fesm2015/ngxs-store.js |
118.39KB | 125KB / +0.5% |
:white_check_mark: | fesm5/ngxs-store-operators.js |
10.07KB | 15KB / +0.5% |
:white_check_mark: | fesm2015/ngxs-store-operators.js |
9.94KB | 15KB / +0.5% |
:white_check_mark: | fesm5/ngxs-store-internals.js |
6.58KB | 20KB / +0.5% |
:white_check_mark: | fesm2015/ngxs-store-internals.js |
5.65KB | 20KB / +0.5% |
No change in files bundle size
Unchanged groups (6)
Status | Path | Size | Limits |
:white_check_mark: | @ngxs/store(esm5)[gzip] ./esm5/**/*.js |
179.31KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | @ngxs/store(esm2015)[gzip] ./esm2015/**/*.js |
172.59KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | @ngxs/store(umd)[gzip] ./bundles/*.umd.js |
40.57KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | @ngxs/store(fesm5)[gzip] ./fesm5/*.js |
29.86KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | @ngxs/store(fesm2015)[gzip] ./fesm2015/*.js |
27.33KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | @ngxs/store(umd.min)[gzip] ./bundles/*.umd.min.js |
13.65KB | +1% |
Final result: :white_check_mark:
View report in BundleMon website ➡️
BundleMon (NGXS Plugins)
Files updated (3)
Status | Path | Size | Limits |
:x: | Plugins(fesm5)[gzip] devtools-plugin/fesm5/ngxs-devtools-plugin.js |
3.21KB (+392B +13.53%) | +1% |
:x: | Plugins(fesm2015)[gzip] devtools-plugin/fesm2015/ngxs-devtools-plugin .js |
3.03KB (+388B +14.3%) | +1% |
:x: | Plugins(umd)[gzip] devtools-plugin/bundles/ngxs-devtools-plugin. umd.js |
6.53KB (+383B +6.07%) | +1% |
Unchanged files (25)
Status | Path | Size | Limits |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(umd)[gzip] storage-plugin/bundles/ d.js |
7.47KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(umd)[gzip] hmr-plugin/bundles/ngxs-hmr-plugin.umd.js |
6.96KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(umd)[gzip] websocket-plugin/bundles/ngxs-websocket-plugi n.umd.js |
6.87KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(umd)[gzip] router-plugin/bundles/ngxs-router-plugin.umd. js |
6.5KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(umd)[gzip] form-plugin/bundles/ngxs-form-plugin.umd.js |
6.44KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(umd)[gzip] logger-plugin/bundles/ngxs-logger-plugin.umd. js |
5.77KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(fesm5)[gzip] storage-plugin/fesm5/ngxs-storage-plugin.js |
4.17KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(fesm2015)[gzip] storage-plugin/fesm2015/ngxs-storage-plugin.j s |
3.87KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(fesm5)[gzip] hmr-plugin/fesm5/ngxs-hmr-plugin.js |
3.62KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(fesm5)[gzip] websocket-plugin/fesm5/ngxs-websocket-plugin. js |
3.53KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(fesm2015)[gzip] hmr-plugin/fesm2015/ngxs-hmr-plugin.js |
3.25KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(fesm5)[gzip] router-plugin/fesm5/ngxs-router-plugin.js |
3.15KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(fesm2015)[gzip] websocket-plugin/fesm2015/ngxs-websocket-plug in.js |
3.15KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(umd.min)[gzip] hmr-plugin/bundles/ngxs-hmr-plugin.umd.min.js |
3.1KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(fesm5)[gzip] form-plugin/fesm5/ngxs-form-plugin.js |
3.07KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(fesm2015)[gzip] router-plugin/fesm2015/ngxs-router-plugin.js |
2.89KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(fesm2015)[gzip] form-plugin/fesm2015/ngxs-form-plugin.js |
2.74KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(fesm5)[gzip] logger-plugin/fesm5/ngxs-logger-plugin.js |
2.48KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(umd.min)[gzip] router-plugin/bundles/ngxs-router-plugin.umd. min.js |
2.48KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(umd.min)[gzip] form-plugin/bundles/ngxs-form-plugin.umd.min. js |
2.43KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(fesm2015)[gzip] logger-plugin/fesm2015/ngxs-logger-plugin.js |
2.37KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(umd.min)[gzip] storage-plugin/bundles/ d.min.js |
2.36KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(umd.min)[gzip] websocket-plugin/bundles/ngxs-websocket-plugi n.umd.min.js |
2.18KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(umd.min)[gzip] logger-plugin/bundles/ngxs-logger-plugin.umd. min.js |
1.95KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Plugins(umd.min)[gzip] devtools-plugin/bundles/ngxs-devtools-plugin. umd.min.js |
1.86KB | +1% |
Total files change +1.14KB +1.07%
Groups updated (5)
Status | Path | Size | Limits |
:x: | All Plugins(esm2015)[gzip] ./-plugin/esm2015/**/.js |
114.35KB (+1.16KB +1.02%) | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | All Plugins(esm5)[gzip] ./-plugin/esm5/**/.js |
119.61KB (+1.16KB +0.98%) | +1% |
:x: | All Plugins(fesm5)[gzip] ./-plugin/fesm5/.js |
23.24KB (+392B +1.67%) | +1% |
:x: | All Plugins(fesm2015)[gzip] ./-plugin/fesm2015/.js |
21.29KB (+388B +1.81%) | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | All Plugins(umd)[gzip] ./-plugin/bundles/.umd.js |
46.55KB (+383B +0.81%) | +1% |
Unchanged groups (1)
Status | Path | Size | Limits |
:white_check_mark: | All Plugins(umd.min)[gzip] ./-plugin/bundles/.umd.min.js |
16.36KB | +1% |
Final result: :x:
View report in BundleMon website ➡️
BundleMon (Integration Projects)
Unchanged files (4)
Status | Path | Size | Limits |
:white_check_mark: | Main bundles(Gzip) hello-world-ng11-ivy/dist-integration/main.(h ash).js |
70.97KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Main bundles(Gzip) hello-world-ng13-ivy/dist-integration/main.(h ash).js |
69.63KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Main bundles(Gzip) hello-world-ng12-ivy/dist-integration/main.(h ash).js |
67.7KB | +1% |
:white_check_mark: | Main bundles(Gzip) hello-world-ng14-ivy/dist-integration/main.(h ash).js |
65.3KB | +1% |
No change in files bundle size
Final result: :white_check_mark:
View report in BundleMon website ➡️
Code Climate has analyzed commit f12d8d5b and detected 0 issues on this pull request.
The test coverage on the diff in this pull request is 100.0% (50% is the threshold).
This pull request will bring the total coverage in the repository to 96.3% (0.0% change).
View more on Code Climate.