obsidian-open-gate icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
obsidian-open-gate copied to clipboard

Empower your Obsidian notes with seamless web integration.


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What is Open Gate?

Obsidian Open Gate is a plugin for Obsidian. Allows you to embed any website into Obsidian, providing a seamless browsing and note-taking experience. Whether you're researching, studying, or just browsing the web, Obsidian Open Gate keeps everything you need in one place.


Click here to install the plugin: Direct Install


  • Embed any website in your Obsidian UI as a "Gate"
  • Open a Gate on the left, center, or right of the Obsidian UI
  • Embed a Gate directly within a note
  • Auto generate icon based on the site's favicon
  • Embed any site that can not be embedded by iframe
  • Support for mobile
  • Inject custom CSS to match the look and feel of Obsidian
  • Link to Gates from within your notes


We prepared a very detailed tutorial for you, don't forget to check it out: Tutorial

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people.


Digital Alchemist
Digital Alchemist

Liam Swayne
Liam Swayne
