docx icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
docx copied to clipboard

Simple Google Go (Golang) library for replacing text in Microsoft Word (.docx) file

Simple Google Go (Golang) library for replacing text in Microsoft Word (.docx) file

The following constitutes the bare minimum required to replace text in DOCX document.

package main

import (


func main() {
	// Read from docx file
	r, err := docx.ReadDocxFile("./TestDocument.docx")
	// Or read from memory
	// r, err := docx.ReadDocxFromMemory(data io.ReaderAt, size int64)

	// Or read from a filesystem object:
	// r, err := docx.ReadDocxFromFS(file string, fs fs.FS)

	if err != nil {
	docx1 := r.Editable()
	// Replace like
	docx1.Replace("old_1_1", "new_1_1", -1)
	docx1.Replace("old_1_2", "new_1_2", -1)
	docx1.ReplaceLink("", "", 1)
	docx1.ReplaceHeader("out with the old", "in with the new")
	docx1.ReplaceFooter("Change This Footer", "new footer")

	docx2 := r.Editable()
	docx2.Replace("old_2_1", "new_2_1", -1)
	docx2.Replace("old_2_2", "new_2_2", -1)

	// Or write to ioWriter
	// docx2.Write(ioWriter io.Writer)

	docx3 := r.Editable()
	//Currently only swaps apples for apples i.e. png to png, and not png to jpeg etc.
	docx3.ReplaceImage("word/media/image1.png", "./new.png")

	// replace the last image
	imageIndex := docx3.ImagesLen()
	docx3.ReplaceImage("word/media/image"+strconv.Itoa(imageIndex)+".png", "./new.png")
