Nguyễn Quý Hy
Nguyễn Quý Hy
When the aircraft is in the air, the aileron moves in the opposite direction from the value sent to SimConnect. This happen to the default A320 and all 32NX variants.
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- [ ] Toggle parameter (e.g. PLANE HEADING DEGREES MAGNETIC - 4294967295 / 8) #223 - [ ] Display value (e.g. FUEL_TANK_LEFT_MAIN_QUANTITY*6.7) #199 - [ ] Feedback value (e.g. GEAR_LEFT_POSITION==100...
Airbus 320 AP uses multiple variables to for each AP mode. | Mode | Variable | Description | |--------|----------|--------------| | Air Speed | AUTOPILOT AIRSPEED HOLD VAR | AP Value...
When I plugin an Xbox controller when Joystick Gremlin is activated, it is automatically deactivated. The same happen when the Xbox controller is turned off after some idling time. Is...