cz-emoji icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cz-emoji copied to clipboard

Commitizen adapter formatting commit messages using emojis.

Results 18 cz-emoji issues
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``` { "emoji": "🗃", "code": ":card_file_box:", "description": "Performing database related changes.", "name": "db" }, ``` ``` { "emoji": "🗃️", "code": ":card_file_box:", "description": "Performing database related changes.", "name": "db" }, ```...

``` { "emoji": "🏗", "code": ":building_construction:", "description": "Making architectural changes.", "name": "arch" }, ``` ``` { "emoji": "🏗️", "code": ":building_construction:", "description": "Making architectural changes.", "name": "arch" }, ``` again not...

``` { "emoji": "⚗", "code": ":alembic:", "description": "Experimenting new things.", "name": "experiment" }, ``` ``` { "emoji": "⚗️", "code": ":alembic:", "description": "Experimenting new things.", "name": "experiment" }, ``` not sure...

the two formats don't work with commitlint for me. But changing the defaultFormat to `const defaultFormat = `{emoji} {type}{scope}: {subject}` //'{emoji} {scope} {subject}'` makes it work...

There is a mistake in the commitling.config.js snippet's regular expression for matching the conventional commit style in the readme. It is missing a match for a colon after the scope...

We get spaces between emoji and subject for every option skipped from questions. ``` { "path": "cz-emoji", "config": { "cz-emoji": { "types": [ { "emoji": "✨", "code": "✨", "description": "Introducing...

**Describe the bug** I\ve got undefined for columns when commiting. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior: 1. Run the script 2. Select emoji 3. Fill out the subject etc...

With the #66 approval, this module will be great to my projects. I want help with a test layer. With tool? Mocha, jest, etc...