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Developer Tools for @ngrx/store
Let's say I have a form (ControlGroup) and I have subscribed to its valueChanges observable. Each time the form's value changes, I dispatch an action to update the state of...
Hi, currently store-devtools will leverage the Redux DevTools Chrome extension if it finds an instance on the `window` object, which is awesome! That does assume that it's running in the... i have ngrx effect that subscribe observer & will dispatch many action every second how to ignore the action only on ngrx dev tools ? 2.and i want to...
I'm faced with strange behaviour by @ngrx/store-devtools. ## Environment: - Windows 10 Pro - Chrome Version 63.0.3239.132 - Node v6.11.3, Node v8.9.4 - Project generated with Angular CLI v1.5.0, -...
I had some small issue with my webpack plugin that checks for peer dependencies. Basically this lib requires @angular/core as peer dep so i have added it.
I'm experiencing Chrome crashes while working with my Redux store. I use Redux DevTools extension for Chrome and I setup `store-devtools` like this: ``` imports: [ StoreModule.provideStore(combinedReducer), ...(environment.production ? []...
i am getting the below error when enabling the dev tool extension. I saw someone saying this happens when Action payload is not serializable. But our problem is that we...
Hi, I got this error when I try to import `StoreDevtoolsModule.instrumentOnlyWithExtension()` I'm using: angular/core: "^4.0.0", "@ngrx/core": "^1.2.0", "@ngrx/store": "^2.2.3", "@ngrx/store-devtools": "^3.2.4", "typescript": "~2.3.3" Does anyone know why? Thank you!!
I am using store-devtools version 4.0.0 and I imported in app level: `StoreDevtoolsModule.instrument()`. Sometimes dev tools crashed and in most of the cases, I cannot see chart. Basically, it is...
Hi. One feature I really wanted to see in the ngrx devtools is support for locking changes, since it improves the time-travel debugging experience quite a lot. First of all,...