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wireguard more wg servers
I need to create more wireguard network. Each network will have its own config e.g.
Network wg0.conf
Network wg1.conf
Network wg2.conf
etc It is possible ?
Please read #481, this feature is already implemented. All subnets will be configured in one configuration file, wg0.conf
Please read #481, this feature is already implemented. All subnets will be configured in one configuration file, wg0.conf
I think that you are wrong. SR is a subdivision of a large address space assigned to a single interface (usually wg0). While OP asks for multiple interfaces support.
Yes, I need more isolated networks
Network wg0.conf - on port 51820
Network wg1.conf - on port 51821
Network wg2.conf - on port 51822
Yes, I need more isolated networks
For now you can use SR with iptables, implementing multiple interfaces is not an easy thing. I thought about it, but no concrete plans atm.
The WG UI just might generate wg*.conf for you if you run three instances. But you also need three: tunnels, default gateways, interfaces - to really isolate users. All this WG UI can't do, you should realize that.
Anyway, for my configuration, I use these iptables rules to work and I can enable user isolation. Maybe that would be an option for you?
I also use wireguard outside of docker. There it is possible to create more instances of wg0.conf, wg1.conf, etc... I didn't know it would be complicated for wireguard-ui. The only thought that comes to mind is to install more wireguard-ui + wireguard in dockers. Or use wireguard (wg-quick) and configure everything via cli.
I also don't use docker, but that's not the issue. Again, the problem is not the WG UI, it's the complex iptables rules you have to write. The WG UI doesn't provide anything about this, it just helps generate wg.conf
Or use wireguard (wg-quick) and configure everything via cli.
That would be the preferred option, IMO
install more wireguard-ui + wireguard in dockers
You don't have to do this. Use one wg service installed on the host, and three wg-ui in containers (write one compose file for three services, with the same image, and a slightly different configurations) This way you will have three wg*.conf files (each managed by one wg-ui instance), all used by one wireguard service, it will create three networks for you.
I am currently using wireguard in LXC (without docker) and it works fine. But I wanted to try wireguard-ui, because one can make mistakes when using cli. Does this mean that if I already run wireguard in LXC, I would not need docker, but only wireguard-ui (3x for 3 networks)?
It was also written about here https://github.com/ngoduykhanh/wireguard-ui/issues/180