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πŸ€– A collection of tools to make your Angular views more modular, scalable, and maintainable

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Overview - The Template for Success in Template Management

Compatibility with Angular Versions

@ngneat/overview Angular
2.x >= 11
3.x >= 13


npm i @ngneat/overview
yarn add @ngneat/overview

Table of Contents

  • DynamicView
  • Teleporting
  • ViewService
    • createView
    • createComponent
    • createTemplate


Use the dynamicView structural directive to render a component, a template, HTML, or default template dynamically.

Let’s say we build a generic error component. What we want is to give our consumers the flexibly to create it by using one of three options:

  • They can choose to use the default template
  • They can choose to use their own text which can be static or dynamic
  • They can choose to pass their own template or component
import { DynamicViewModule, Content } from '@ngneat/overview';

  template: `
    <div *dynamicView="view">
      Default view
export class ErrorComponent {
  @Input() view: Content | undefined;

  imports: [DynamicViewModule]
class ErrorModule {}

You can also pass a context or an injector as inputs to the directive:

<ng-container *dynamicView="component; injector: injector"></ng-container>

<ng-template #tpl let-title><b>{{ title }}</b></ng-template>

     context: { $implicit: 'my title' }">


Teleporting means rendering a view at a different location from its declaration. There are two cases it might be helpful:

  • Avoid prop drilling to a nested component.
  • Rendering a view at another place in the DOM while keeping its context where it’s defined.

You can read more about this approach in this article.

Use the teleportOutlet directive to define a new outlet. An outlet is an anchor where the view will be projected as a sibling.

import { TeleportModule } from '@ngneat/overview';

  template: `
    <div class="flex">
      <ng-container teleportOutlet="someId"></ng-container>
export class FooComponent {

  imports: [TeleportModule]
export class FooModule {}

Use the teleportTo directive to teleport the view to a specific outlet:

import { TeleportModule } from '@ngneat/overview';

  template: `
    <section *teleportTo="someId">
      {{ value }}
export class BarComponent {
  value = '...'

  imports: [TeleportModule]
export class BarModule {}


The ViewService provides facade methods to create modular views in Angular. It's been used in various projects like hot-toast, and helipopper.


The createComponent method takes a Component, and returns an instance of CompRef:

import { ViewService, CompRef } from '@ngneat/overview';

class ToastService {
  componentRef: CompRef;

  constructor(private viewService: ViewService) {}

  init() {
   this.componentRef = this.viewService
      .setInput('defaultConfig', defaultConfig)

There are cases where we want to use an Angular component template in a third-party library that takes a native DOM element or a string. In this case, we can use the getRawContent or the getElement method, respectively.

import { ViewService } from '@ngneat/overview';

class ChartDirective{

  constructor(private viewService: ViewService) {}

  createChart(color: string) {
   const ref = this.viewService
      .setInput('color', color)

     const content = ref.getRawContent();


     Highcharts.chart('container', {
      tooltip: {
        formatter: function() {
          return content;
       useHTML: true

createComponent Options

  component: Type<C>;
  injector: Injector;
  resolver: ComponentFactoryResolver;
  vcr: ViewContainerRef | undefined;
  appRef: ApplicationRef | undefined;


The createTemplate method takes a TemplateRef, and returns an instance of ViewRef.

  tpl: TemplateRef<C>;
  context: C;
  vcr: ViewContainerRef | undefined;
  appRef: ApplicationRef | undefined;


The createView method takes a Component, a TemplateRef or a string, and creates a View:

import { ViewService, Content } from '@ngneat/overview';

class ToastService {
  constructor(private viewService: ViewService) {}

  createToast(content: Content) {
    const ref = this.viewService.createView(content);

Contributors ✨

Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):

Netanel Basal

πŸ’» πŸ€”

Dharmen Shah

πŸ–‹ πŸ“–

This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!

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