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NGINX Unit - universal web app server - a lightweight and versatile open source server that simplifies the application stack by natively executing application code across eight different programming l...
for all the same reasons as detailed in #590 for python and #651 for ruby - the ability to set a value in script_name is required. i also think it...
NGINX Unit is moving its planning and development workflows to GitHub to increase transparency, facilitate community participation, and reduce developer friction. Like [Mozilla](https://groups.google.com/a/mozilla.org/g/firefox-dev/c/QnfydsDj48o), [Python](https://peps.python.org/pep-0512/), and [PyPy](https://www.pypy.org/posts/2023/12/pypy-moved-to-git-github.html), we appreciate Mercurial but...
Evolve the Wasm language module to support the WASI-HTTP interface so that a Wasm component that imports WASI-HTTP can run natively on Unit.
Neat project. I have been a long time fan of Nginx and PHP-FPM as a pair and decided to embark on converting many of my [docker images](https://github.com/tiredofit?tab=repositories) to using Unit....
Example route: ``` { "match": { "scheme": "http", "host": [ "*.ru", "*.su", "*.xn--p1ai" ] }, "action": { "return": 301, "location": "`${ host.startsWith('www.') ? 'https://'.concat(host.substring(4), request_uri) : 'https://'.concat(host, request_uri) }`" }...
Issue #1013 revealed a bug where imports with signature `node:http` weren't replaced. The current npm package unit uses as a custom loader looks for the `http` and `websocket` packages. Node...
Hi, I recently changed over our infrastructure to use Nginx Unit, and mostly it is going great. The only thing that is not going great is that this seems to...
Hello! I am using Unit 1.31.1 with php 8.2 on Debian. Seems, that I caught error in Unit's rewrite engine. Rewrite running twice when passing to application target and $host...
Recently I faced issues with significant latency and delays during periods of scaling or when new requests arrive after periods of processes idleness. **Environment:** - Unit version: 1.31.1 (Alpine 3.18...
@arbourd Please work with folks in SysEng to define milestones and work to be done to get CI/CD up and running on GitHub. The ultimate goal is to end use...