human_body_prior copied to clipboard
OpenGL issue when running
`sample_amass keys: ['poses', 'dmpls', 'labels', 'markers', 'mocap_framerate', 'betas', 'gender', 'vids', 'trans'] OpenGL test failed: stdout: failure
stderr: /`
Anyone facing this issue? Thanks!
Hi Sizhe, I met the same problem as you. This issue is caused by EGL
, and I guess it's raised when the system cannot support real-time rendering.
Unfortunately, it seems that the author didn't leave any comment to tell us how to avoid this kind of OpenGL/rendering issues. Have you ever solved this problem?
Hi Sizhe, I finally solved this issues through re-installing the whole environment. I'm sure that this issue is caused by package conflict, and we must install the packages in correct version.
Here is the details of my re-install, holp it could help :-)
# ENV: ubuntu, python3.7-pytorch1.10.0-cuda11.3-cudnn8
1. apt install ffmpeg libsm6 libxext6 libboost-dev g++ gcc -y
2. pip install setuptools numpy tqdm scipy opencv-python== PyOpenGL==3.1.0 matplotlib==3.2.2 pillow pyzmq pyyaml dotmap pytorch-lightning==1.5 transforms3d==0.3.1 pytorch3d omegaconf loguru
3. # setup-using-python: configer, mesh and human_body_prior
I think this issue can be closed now. :-)