camera_calibration_toolbox_octave icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
camera_calibration_toolbox_octave copied to clipboard

An Octave port of Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab (


An Octave port of Camera Calibration Toolbox for Matlab (1st June 2017) (

There is surprisingly very little code modifications required to make the original Matlab code to work in Octave (tested with 4.4.0). I only had to comment out usage of BackingStore

set(fig_number,'Units','points', ...
    %'BackingStore','off', ...

I've tested with single camera and stereo calibration. The GUI elements in Octave are usable, though rendering isn't always 100% perfect. I found Octave GUI can be a bit quirky at times, might be related to my choice of using i3 tiling windows manager.

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