react-tabulator copied to clipboard
React Tabulator is based on tabulator - a JS table library with many advanced features.
React Tabulator is based on Tabulator - a JS table library with many advanced features. Link.
- NOTE: from v0.16.x (WIP) or later, this uses the latest tabulator-tables v5.x, many cases are not tested yet.
- Live Demo: Codesandbox
- Example code: /src/ReactTabulatorExample.tsx
- More Examples, Use cases, FAQ: More Live Examples / Use cases
🌟 Features
Tabulator's features:
Filters Sorting Formatting Grouping Ajax Editing Virtualization
Pagination Themes A11y I18n Layouts Frozen Cols/Rows
Key Binding Responsive Persisting History Calc Validation
Clipboard Tree Layout Nested Tables
Plus more features:
- React.
- Simple syntax; Import css, themes.
- Typescript, Tslint.
- Jest-puppeteer for testing.
- React Cell Editors: DateEditor, MultiSelectEditor, etc.
- React Cell Formatters: MultiValueFormatter, etc.
- React Filters (TBD).
- For the legacy React 15.x, use: import React15Tabulator.
📦 Usage
$ npm install react-tabulator --save
import 'react-tabulator/lib/styles.css'; // required styles
import 'react-tabulator/lib/css/tabulator.min.css'; // theme
import { ReactTabulator } from 'react-tabulator';
<ReactTabulator columns={columns} data={data} options={} events={{ rowClick: rowClickHandler }} />
* "options" will be passed directly to Tabulator's options.
* "events" is an object like { eventName: handlerFunction }
* use "ref.table" to access to all tabulator functions.
- More Examples, Use cases, FAQ: More Live Examples / Use cases
🔧 Development - Commands
Require: NodeJS
$ npm install --legacy-peer-deps install dependencies for development.
$ npm run dev Launch DEV mode (with hot reload).
$ npm run build Make a build.
$ npm run test Run tests using jest-puppeteer (with headless Chrome).
- Development Doc - see docs/
📖 Documentation
- Change Log
- Todo / Roadmap
🙌 Thanks
All contributions are welcome!
- Main library olifolkerd/tabulator (Thanks olifolkerd for this great library!)
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