Nick Gauthier
Nick Gauthier
Hi thiruR, Se #56. I believe you need to install the "test-unit" gem for 1.9 support.
Hey, I had this problem on a previous project, but sadly I don't have access to that code anymore. The gist of my solution was that I had to require...
Yeah, you can use load instead of require, which forces the code to run. Then you need to check if they're defined or it will complain. On Apr 26, 2011...
That wipes the world so that it must reinstantiate itself between runs. Otherwise, the same specs run multiple times. The side effect is that it wipes the shared examples as...
try adding your test files in small batches until the problem occurs, then try to narrow it down to a single test file (or maybe one or two together). It...
looks to me like station_spec is not finishing. Try making a hydra task where the only line in it is: ``` t.add_files 'spec/models/station_spec' ``` and see how that goes. Also,...
Hey Leena, Hydra runs Rspec with a special Hydra Formatter so it can parse the results, so you can't get back the pretty output. From your trace, it looks like...
Sounds cool. I look forward to it! On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 9:07 PM, mirell < [email protected]>wrote: > I am currently in the process of adapting hydra to use...
Actually, I prefer plain old test unit, and it should give you a speedup! I don't usually use fixtures, but if the tests pass then you're fine. It's probably database...
as of right now hydra doesn't support using multiple databases, so I think you're stuck :-( You can try setting "autosort" to false in the task, and ordering your tests...