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RuntimeError: Dataset metadata file not found or corrupted. You can use download=True to download it
Hello, @ngailapdi, I am trying to reproduce the results, when I am executing the main.py its showing following errors after downloading data.
"RuntimeError: Dataset metadata file not found or corrupted. You can use download=True to download it"
same error here.
Hi, please make sure you use the correct version of PyTorch. PyTorch version up to 1.0 should not encounter this issue. Alternatively, you can modify the dataset
file (following PyTorch dataset/dataloader documents) to be able to run with higher PyTorch versions.
Hello @ngailapdi thank you for your response, I have checked my configurations.
pytorch =0.4.1 torchvision= 0.2.2 python = 3.6.6 os=win10
I am still getting the same error as mentioned above.
Hello @UsmanTahirKiani , did you find the solution for that? I have tried with require version too.
Hi @niranjansuthar70 I updated the data loader file. Hopefully, it works now. Please let me know if it works for you.
Hello @ngailapdi thanks for the reply, I have tired to run with updated files and this time there is no error. But my system got hanged. Config: GTX 1070 8GB, 32 GB RAM, i5 CPU.
I have also tried with batch size =1 but still same hanging issues. I had just uncomment this portion in main.py
and run the script using python main.py
all_train = cifar100(root='./data',
mean_image = all_train.mean_image
Can you provide some insights on how much GPU memory, RAM and which GPU will be sufficient to run this project.? or I am missing some modifications in script?
This part is to compute the mean image. It usually will take a while but not too long.
Hi @niranjansuthar70, just to make sure everything works for you. Can we close this issue now if there is no further concern?
Hello @ngailapdi I didn't try it again because I am not sure about how much GPU memory does it require. Can you please confirm the GPU memory or which card you have used and RAM also.
same error here,maybe you could provide this.npy file?