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A zero-dependency client to the IPFS Cluster HTTP API, built for the browser.


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A zero-dependency client to the IPFS Cluster HTTP API, built for the browser.


Import it from your favourite CDN (e.g. skypack.dev, unpkg.com, jsdelivr.com) or install directly from npm:

npm i @nftstorage/ipfs-cluster



import { Cluster } from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@nftstorage/ipfs-cluster'

const cluster = new Cluster('https://your-cluster-domain.com')

const file = new File(['foo'], 'foo.txt')
const { cid } = await cluster.add(file)
console.log(cid) // bafybeigpsl667todjswabhelaxvwmk7amgg3txsv5tkcpbpj5rtrf6g7mu

Using in Node.js

This library is designed to run in the browser or in web workers but it can be run in Node.js if required web APIs are added to the global environment. For exmaple:

import fetch from '@web-std/fetch'
import { FormData } from '@web-std/form-data'
import { File, Blob } from '@web-std/file'

Object.assign(global, { fetch, File, Blob, FormData })


This library is WIP and not all cluster HTTP API methods are available yet (PR's welcome!). Please see the typescript types for full parameter and return types.

Note: all methods take an options object with a signal property - an AbortSignal from an AbortController allowing the request to be aborted by the caller.

  • Constructor
  • add
  • addCAR
  • addDirectory
  • alerts
  • allocations
  • id
  • metrics
  • metricNames
  • peerList
  • peerAdd
  • peerRemove
  • pin
  • pinPath
  • recover
  • recoverAll
  • repoGC
  • status
  • statusAll
  • version
  • unpin
  • unpinPath


Create a new instance of the cluster client.

import { Cluster } from '@nftstorage/ipfs-cluster'
const cluster = new Cluster('https://your-cluster-domain.com', {
  // optional custom headers for e.g. auth
  headers: { Authorization: 'Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ==' }


Import a file to the cluster. First argument must be a File or Blob.

const file = new File(['foo'], 'foo.txt')
const { cid } = await cluster.add(file)

Note: by default this module uses v1 CIDs and raw leaves enabled.


Alternatively you can import data from a CAR (Content Addressable aRchive) file:

const car = new Blob(carFileData, { type: 'application/car' })
const { cid } = await cluster.addCAR(car)

More information on reading and writing CAR files in JS.


Imports multiple files to the cluster. First argument must be an array of File or Blob.

const files = [new File(['foo'], 'foo.txt'), new File(['bar'], 'bar.txt')]
const dir = await cluster.addDirectory(file)

for (const entry of dir) {
  // bafybeigpsl667todjswabhelaxvwmk7amgg3txsv5tkcpbpj5rtrf6g7mu
  // bafybeidsnna57jpm2ttwaydwak25qpkxafrg4cnrjsfqipbcqxlsfobjje

Note: by default this module uses v1 CIDs and raw leaves enabled.


Returns the current allocation for a given CID.

const cid = 'bafybeigpsl667todjswabhelaxvwmk7amgg3txsv5tkcpbpj5rtrf6g7mu'
const allocation = await cluster.allocation(cid)


Get a list of metric types known to the peer.

const names = await cluster.metricNames()
console.log(names) // [ 'ping', 'freespace' ]


Get a list of Cluster peer info.

const peers = await cluster.peerList()
peers.forEach((peer) => {
  console.log(`${peer.id} | ${peer.peerName}`)
  console.log('  > Addresses:')
  peer.addresses.forEach((addr) => console.log(`    - ${addr}`))
  console.log(`  > IPFS: ${peer.ipfs.id}`)
  peer.ipfs.addresses.forEach((addr) => console.log(`    - ${addr}`))


Tracks a CID with the given replication factor and a name for human-friendliness.

const cid = 'bafybeigpsl667todjswabhelaxvwmk7amgg3txsv5tkcpbpj5rtrf6g7mu'
const { cid } = await cluster.pin(cid)


Re-triggers pin or unpin IPFS operations for a CID in error state.

const cid = 'bafybeigpsl667todjswabhelaxvwmk7amgg3txsv5tkcpbpj5rtrf6g7mu'
const { cid } = await cluster.recover(cid)


Returns the current IPFS state for a given CID.

const cid = 'bafybeigpsl667todjswabhelaxvwmk7amgg3txsv5tkcpbpj5rtrf6g7mu'
const status = await cluster.status(cid)

for (const [clusterPeerID, pinInfo] of Object.entries(status.peerMap)) {
  console.log(`${clusterPeerID}: ${pinInfo.status}`)
  // e.g.
  // 12D3KooWAjKw14hMUo7wdyEu9KwogrUFCCMiQZApgZ4zMcvtcacj: pinned
  // 12D3KooWKiebn7GqPvjqjKARnm47Xoez6f1civBEWxef3u5G6UdM: pinned
  // 12D3KooWLKdPdFx5UpPNwoVmMXsLULCDegAqXZ7RAgpKuPSMKoSS: pinned


Status of all tracked CIDs. Note: this is an expensive operation. Use the optional filters when possible.

const statuses = await cluster.statusAll()
for (const status of statuses) {
  for (const [clusterPeerID, pinInfo] of Object.entries(status.peerMap)) {
    console.log(`    ${clusterPeerID}: ${pinInfo.status}`)
// e.g.
// bafybeigpsl667todjswabhelaxvwmk7amgg3txsv5tkcpbpj5rtrf6g7mu:
//     12D3KooWAjKw14hMUo7wdyEu9KwogrUFCCMiQZApgZ4zMcvtcacj: pinned
//     12D3KooWKiebn7GqPvjqjKARnm47Xoez6f1civBEWxef3u5G6UdM: pinned
//     12D3KooWLKdPdFx5UpPNwoVmMXsLULCDegAqXZ7RAgpKuPSMKoSS: pinned
// bafkreibme22gw2h7y2h7tg2fhqotaqjucnbc24deqo72b6mkl2egezxhvy:
//     12D3KooWAjKw14hMUo7wdyEu9KwogrUFCCMiQZApgZ4zMcvtcacj: queued
//     12D3KooWKiebn7GqPvjqjKARnm47Xoez6f1civBEWxef3u5G6UdM: queued
//     12D3KooWLKdPdFx5UpPNwoVmMXsLULCDegAqXZ7RAgpKuPSMKoSS: queued
// ...etc.

Note: The method takes an options object that allows filtering by status or cid e.g.

// retrieve only pinning and pinned items
await cluster.statusAll({ filter: ['pinning', 'pinned'] })

// retrieve status for the passed list of CIDs (requires Cluster version >= 0.14.5-rc1)
await cluster.statusAll({
  cids: ['bafybeigpsl667todjswabhelaxvwmk7amgg3txsv5tkcpbpj5rtrf6g7mu']


Untracks a CID from cluster.

const cid = 'bafybeigpsl667todjswabhelaxvwmk7amgg3txsv5tkcpbpj5rtrf6g7mu'
await cluster.unpin(cid)


Feel free to dive in! Open an issue or submit PRs.
