Bjarne Roß
Bjarne Roß
There's also a problem with the Renderer. A built app doesn't start on UT, because the Renderes class in blaze.js is missing.
What platform do you use? Firefox OS or Ubuntu Touch?
I don't want to say something wrong. I'm UT user. But as far I know you may download the firefoxos zip file from the releases and install it to your...
Yep, that's the biggest problem we couldn't fix now. Help is appreciated :)
This is a very interesting log file. Thanks for that! It seems that axolotl isn't working properly. Can you figure out more about that? What do you mean with the...
Which version do you use? The host address must be sth. like (Bosh). Not all XMPP server support bosh using http-bind
Yes, but tcp and so on doesn't seem to work anymore. Since v0.5.23 there's a new autocorrection to such above. Or you enter it manually. If you still can't login,...
Sorry for you. and the hot-chilli servers work for me. Anyway I was thinking about removing XMPP from loqui, but indeed some people use it. So I'll keep it,...
Currently we have too less active developers for this app (me and one or two others). I joined the project about a year ago with no knowledge. XMPP is a...
@hstarmans Thanks for this nearly concrete hint! If you know more about it, please let us know or even help us in getting this working. For now we don't have...