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react-typescript copied to clipboard

React16 + HMR + typescript + webpack + tslint + tests

React & typescript boilerplate Build is passing? Coverage Status Maintainability

Deprecated notice

Use nextjs


Make it fast as possible. Current development environment starts in <10s Build time as fast as possible ~35s. Bundle size should be minimum as possible performance

How to start

  1. yarn Install dependencies
  2. Copy .env.example to .env
  3. yarn start Start development
  4. yarn start:storybook Start storybook
  5. yarn build Build for production
  • Optional: Install wallaby plug-in for you IDE
  1. Configure wallaby test runner
  2. yarn test Run tests to check if everything is working
  3. yarn prepush Run before each push
  4. yarn start:server Start the server with SR (Server side rendering)

What's inside

Available commands

Command Description
yarn dev Start development environment
yarn start Start production environment
yarn start:storybook Start storybook
yarn lint Lint typescript files
yarn lint:css Lint scss/css files
yarn test Start test enviroiment for development
yarn test:coverage Display tests coverage
yarn start:server Test SSR locally


Git Commit Guidelines

We have very precise rules over how our git commit messages can be formatted. This leads to more readable messages that are easy to follow when looking through the project history. But also, we use the git commit messages to generate the our change log.

The commit message formatting can be added using a typical git workflow or through the use of a CLI wizard (Commitizen). To use the wizard, run yarn run cm in your terminal after staging your changes in git.

A detailed explanation borrowed from angular and can be found in this document.


  • [x] Automate
  • [ ] E2E Tests
  • [ ] i18n
  • [ ] Red box for react errors?
  • [x] Server side rendering
  • [ ] Use redux-observable instead saga
  • [ ] Assets (css, js) caching
  • [x] HMR route v4
  • [ ] PWA