RaspberryDebugger icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
RaspberryDebugger copied to clipboard


Open williambowsher opened this issue 3 years ago • 5 comments

What is the Target Group setting used to define in the Raspberry Debugger configuration


williambowsher avatar Aug 12 '21 07:08 williambowsher

Removing gpio from target group fixed my connection issue on Ubuntu with .net core 5 stack

williambowsher avatar Aug 13 '21 16:08 williambowsher

I tried something similar with an Ubuntu Desktop 21.04 (RPi 4/400) 64-bit image burned with the Raspberry Pi Imager v1.4.

This extension works great for me with my Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster) image.

I found that to remove gpio from the Target Group I had to reboot the Pi with the Raspbian image in order for the Visual Studio Project => Raspberry Debug Settings... menu to be available, so it might be helpful in the future to add "Target Group" to the "Raspberry Debugger => Connections" in the Tools => Options menu of Visual Studio.

P.S. even with your above removal suggestion, then rebooting to Ubuntu and deleting the existing Raspbian connection in Options and adding it back with my Ubuntu user name and password, I was unable to connect using the dialog (ssh to Ubuntu works from a terminal, and when shutting down shows multiple remote connections). I had installed the most recent dotnet-sdk-4.0.400-linux-arm64.tar.gz by copying files to /home//dotnet and configuring environment in .bash_aliases. I was unable to get the snap suggested install method to work. The other possible difference is that I had also installed Visual Studio Code from code_1.59.0-1628118820_arm64.deb (the Ubuntu Snap store didn't have VS Code).

wittelw avatar Aug 13 '21 18:08 wittelw

I always get a timeout on the first attempt to debug, but all future F5 debuts work properly.

I just removed gpio from the dialog displayed from the Project>Raspberry Debug Settings

williambowsher avatar Aug 13 '21 18:08 williambowsher

Thanks! I believe my problem may be deeper. What version of Ubuntu are you running on your Pi? See Notes re: 64-bit.

I am unable to add the @ to the Raspberry Debugger => Connections page in VS Tools => Options, so I never have a valid host to try connecting. Was not able to get as far as F5 since I was unable to set up an SSH connection.

I tried again as follows:

  • Removed existing Raspbian host SSH connection from Options
  • "Target Raspberry" [DEFAULT] and "Target Group" empty in Project's "Raspberry Debug Settings"
  • F5
  • Dialog: "Raspberry connection information required. Would you like to create a connection now?", and respond Yes.
  • In "New Raspberry Connection" fill in Host/IP, Username, Password and OK.
  • Error dialog with "Unable to connect to: Make sure your Raspberry is turned on and verify your username and password."
  • Exactly the same behavior / error trying to add the connection from Options.


  • I installed an 64-bit Ubuntu, but I notice in README.md that "64-bit Raspberry Pi OS is not supported". The Raspberry Pi Imager only shows 64-bit Desktop versions.
  • I configured SSH on Ubuntu by simply 'sudo apt install ssh'. This works from the default Windows 10 and WSL2 Ubuntu ssh commands, however for those to work I have to address a "REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED!" warning. I've tried the Raspberry Debugger both with and without making this change.
  • My Raspberry Pi is using Ethernet and assigned the same (router assigned) static address when booting either Raspbian or Ubuntu.
  • Both Windows 10 and Raspberry Pi are on the same router LAN network (ip's 192.168.0.*) and statically assigned.

wittelw avatar Aug 13 '21 19:08 wittelw

@williambowsher, thanks for your help!

I can confirm the following (WRT debugging on Ubuntu):

  • The debugger is unable to connect with 64-bit versions of Ubuntu, either desktop or server.
  • The debugger will connect and debug on 32-bit Ubuntu Server 21.04 (RPI 2/3/4/400) if the "Target Group" is empty (the first two posts)
  • I did not test on 32-bit Ubuntu Server 20.04.
  • The following error is displayed if "Target Group" contains 'gpio': "chgrp: invalid group: ‘gpio’". Clearing that in the dialog box per William's comments removes this error.

wittelw avatar Aug 15 '21 03:08 wittelw