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The newer version of spark,adam,sparklingwater for "Genomic Analysis Using ADAM, Spark and Deep Learning" to the people who want to reproduce the test

Open car2008 opened this issue 8 years ago • 1 comments

Now i have some advice for Genomic Analysis Using ADAM, Spark and Deep Learning to the people who want to reproduce the test using the newer version tools:

car2008 avatar Aug 26 '16 05:08 car2008

Hi @nfergu ,i have some advice for Genomic Analysis Using ADAM, Spark and Deep Learning to the people who want to reproduce the test .So i post all the changes here ,and i hope it's helpful to others: first, in the .pom file :

  • Spark version 1.6.1 replacing 1.2.0
  • ADAM version 0.19.0 replacing 0.16.0
  • Sparkling Water version 1.6.5 replacing 1.2.5
  • H2O version replacing can only modify the version and don't install it after we have installed Sparkling Water)

is modified to


then ,in the codes :

val header = StructType(Array(StructField("Region", StringType)) ++
      sortedVariantsBySampleId.first()._2.map(variant => {StructField(variant.variantId.toString, IntegerType)}))

is modified to

val header = DataTypes.createStructType(Array(DataTypes.createStructField("Region", DataTypes.StringType,false)) ++
      sortedVariantsBySampleId.first()._2.map(variant => {DataTypes.createStructField(variant.variantId.toString,DataTypes.IntegerType,false)}))
// Create the SchemaRDD from the header and rows and convert the SchemaRDD into a H2O dataframe
    val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
    val schemaRDD = sqlContext.applySchema(rowRDD, header)
    val h2oContext = new H2OContext(sc).start()
    import h2oContext._
    val dataFrame = h2oContext.toDataFrame(schemaRDD)

is modified to

// Create the SchemaRDD from the header and rows and convert the SchemaRDD into a H2O dataframe
    val sqlContext = new org.apache.spark.sql.SQLContext(sc)
    //val dataFrame=sqlContext.createDataFrame(rowRDD, header)
    val schemaRDD = sqlContext.applySchema(rowRDD, header)
    val h2oContext = new H2OContext(sc).start()
    import h2oContext._ 
    val dataFrame1 =h2oContext.asH2OFrame(schemaRDD)
    val dataFrame=H2OFrameSupport.allStringVecToCategorical(dataFrame1)
// Split the dataframe into 50% training, 30% test, and 20% validation data
    val frameSplitter = new FrameSplitter(dataFrame, Array(.5, .3), Array("training", "test", "validation").map(Key.make), null)

is modified to

// Split the dataframe into 50% training, 30% test, and 20% validation data
   val frameSplitter = new FrameSplitter(dataFrame, Array(.5, .3), Array("training", "test", "validation").map(Key.make[Frame](_)), null)
// Set the parameters for our deep learning model.
    val deepLearningParameters = new DeepLearningParameters()
    deepLearningParameters._train = training
    deepLearningParameters._valid = validation

is modified to

// Set the parameters for our deep learning model.
    val deepLearningParameters = new DeepLearningParameters()
    deepLearningParameters._train = training._key
    deepLearningParameters._valid = validation._key
// Score the model against the entire dataset (training, test, and validation data)
    // This causes the confusion matrix to be printed

is modified to

// Score the model against the entire dataset (training, test, and validation data)
    // This causes the confusion matrix to be printed


import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataTypes
import hex._
import water.fvec._
import water.support._
import _root_.hex.Distribution.Family
import _root_.hex.deeplearning.DeepLearningModel
import _root_.hex.tree.gbm.GBMModel
import _root_.hex.{Model, ModelMetricsBinomial}

ok ,that's all, i have tested it successfully ,it will be better if you have other advice . Thank you again !

car2008 avatar Aug 26 '16 05:08 car2008