Nikita Fedyashev

Results 33 issues of Nikita Fedyashev

This might not be very helpful for experienced Clojure developers and Luminus users but I believe this might save some time(and a bit of headache) for new Luminus users for...

From what I see in src/leiningen/new/calva.clj .vscode folder is generated each time and there is no option to disable it. Is there a reason to keep it this way or...

### The problem I'm using this awesome tool using web and REST HTTP interfaces. I'm not sure it's technically a bug.. more like a suggestion to adjust the decimal scale,...


Just wanted to clarify if @!visibility meta tags are not supported(yet) or is it something with my local setup? The following class always autosuggests both methods in autocompletion and "Visibility:...


I was wondering if solargraph/lsp supports autocompletion using `@option` YARD tags for hashes. Just trying to understand if it is something with my local setup or is it just missing...

such folders do not exist, looks like an artifact from some other gemspec? > We can now wrap the route groups we wish to be private using the wrap-restricted middleware in the .handler/app function: > > (def app > (-> (routes >...

An example of what it would look like:

Just noticed that I can no longer access the REPL after upgrading to the latest deps: com.cemerick/piggieback "0.2.1" => 0.2.2 macchiato/core "0.2.16" => 0.2.17 org.clojure/clojurescript "1.10.520" => "1.10.758" javax.xml.bind/jaxb-api "2.3.0"...

help wanted