Nick Forbes-Smith

Results 119 issues of Nick Forbes-Smith

`protomaps-leaflet` `PolygonSymbolizer` has a `pattern` property which accepts a canvas. See example here -

Background - We have `isCustom` flag in `TableStyle` which is true if the user has made changes to the "styling". When true there is a "Custom" label/button This flag...

After - We should create an OGC Features API `SearchProvider` - so you can use an OGC Features API complaint endpoint as the Geocoder in Terria. This would be...

We have a bunch of tickets related to adding more table styling features to geojson, and more geojson features to table styling. Ideally we have a single core Mixin that...

Needs Discussion

Follows - Currently `GeoJsonMixin` only has support for `createLongitudeLatitudeFeaturePerRow`. This means that while time-based styling is correct - there is no ability to pick features to see a time-series...

Related to - #6434 - - Example - the feature info template is supposed to show `z` column along x-axis and the `plant height` column along y-axis. ```json...

Community Issue

Currently Opendatasoft will only request 1000 records - this because the limit per request is usually 100 (if no `groupBy` operation is used), and we do 10 requests. This is...

If an ArcGis FeatureServer layer supports ~mapbox vector-tile~ `pbf` output, then we should use that instead of fetching geojson. PBF output is arcgis PBF not mvt - Need to...

T-New feature

It would be great to be able to join tabular datasets with vector datasets by column. This would present data in a similar way to region mapping - where we...

TerriaJS-server has a proj4 lookup services to go from EPSG code to proj4 string. This is needed to reproject coordinates. The issue with the proj4 lookup services is that it...