tailwind-variants copied to clipboard
compound variants not work with responsive values
Describe the bug compound variants does not support responsive values
To Reproduce https://stackblitz.com/edit/vite-react-tailwind-dtjgiu?file=src%2FApp.jsx
I'm running into this issue too – the classes are properly applied, but the Tailwind compiler doesn't seem to pick them up so the styles aren't generated.
@mohammadgarmroodi I have forked your example and updated the package (V0.1.18) to the latest version, but I can't see the problem. Can you double-check?
Here is my fork: https://stackblitz.com/edit/vite-react-tailwind-rucbt4?file=src%2FApp.jsx
Closing due to lack of reproducability and response.
Can we reopen this? We merged from cva to tailwind-variants
and use compoundVariants
quite a lot.
Here's an repro using the latest tailwind-variants version:
Yeah, it looks like the logic from the regular variants is missing/not implemented for compoundVariants.
cc @mskelton
@mskelton, @jrgarciadev
Is it intended to work or it is a limitation like it is with Panda CSS?
When using compoundVariants in the recipe, you're not able to use responsive values in the variants.
To be fair, I think implementing this logic will impact performance as it needs to loop against the variants and the responsive screens?
Wondering as well if it's intended. Guys what's your workarounds?
To be more specific, compounded values are working, but are not responsive, it apply only to initial value.
Same issue here
Bumping this thread because I'm running into this issue too. Is there a fix underway? Or a workaround?
for people who would be intested here another project we have created https://github.com/nextui-org/tailwind-variants/issues/203
Same issue encountered here as well.
const mediaVariants = tv(
base: 'w-full flex-1 grow basis-1/2',
compoundVariants: [
class: 'order-2 pt-0',
layout: 'vertical',
mediaPosition: 'bottom',
defaultVariants: {
fill: false,
mediaPosition: 'center',
variants: {
fill: {
true: 'relative aspect-[4/3]',
layout: {
horizontal: '',
vertical: '',
mediaPosition: {
bottom: 'pt-7',
center: 'py-7',
responsiveVariants: true,
When initialized with...
layout: { initial: 'vertical', sm: 'horizontal' },
mediaPosition: 'bottom',
Will always force the initial
breakpoint use case resulting in being stuck with the following:
class: 'order-2 pt-0',
layout: 'vertical',
mediaPosition: 'bottom',
My current workaround feels bad but works okay for my use case:
class: 'max-sm:order-2 max-sm:pt-0',
layout: 'vertical',
mediaPosition: 'bottom',
Not ideal though. Very dependant on having the breakpoints of this component never change.
my company and I have create a package that achieve this pretty well if you want to have a look and way faster
@mskelton Raising this issue as well. Here is a test case for responsive compound variants that can be added which currently fails. Note the comment in the expected results array:
describe("Tailwind Variants (TV) - Screen Variants", () => {
test("should work with responsive compound variants", () => {
const button = tv(
base: "text-xs font-bold",
variants: {
variant: {
solid: "border-none bg-blue-500",
outline: "bg-transparent border border-blue-500"
size: {
sm: "text-sm",
md: "text-md",
lg: "text-lg"
compoundVariants: [
variant: "solid",
size: "sm",
className: "bg-red-500"
responsiveVariants: true
const result = button({
variant: {
initial: "outline",
md: "solid"
size: 'sm'
const expectedResult = [
"md:bg-red-500", // expected md:bg-red-500 -- received md:bg-blue-500