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Color the <mutationList> according to some reference strain
Hi, this is a proposal, obtained by adding a few lines in MutationTable.js
const ListOfMutations = ({node,name, muts, displayAsIntervals, isNuc, gene}) => { // more parameters
return (
<SubHeading key={name}>{title}</SubHeading>
{,isnotfirst) => getColoredSpan(mut,node,gene,isnotfirst))} // one span per mutation
const MutationList = styled.span` `;
const MutationListRed = styled.span`color:red; `;
const MutationListBlue = styled.span`color:cyan;`;
const getColoredSpan = (mut,node,gene,isnotfirst) => {
var col= babarGetColor(mut,node,gene);
if (isnotfirst) mut = ","+mut;
if (col == 0) return <MutationList>{mut}</MutationList>;
if (col == 1) return <MutationListRed>{mut}</MutationListRed>;
if (col == 2) return <MutationListBlue>{mut}</MutationListBlue>;
function babarGetColor(mut,node,gene) {
if ( != secondNode = fillMuts(node); /// the mutation list of the clicked node, the list for the selected node was made previously
var a = null;
var b = null;
mut = mut.substr(1);
if (gene in selectedNode.mutationsList) {
var ind = selectedNode.mutationsList[gene].indexOf(mut);
if (ind != -1) a = selectedNode.parentList[gene][ind];
if (gene in secondNode.mutationsList) {
var ind = secondNode.mutationsList[gene].indexOf(mut);
if (ind != -1) b = secondNode.parentList[gene][ind];
if (!a) return 0; /// mutation not found in the selected node, color in white
if (a == b) return 1; /// if the mutation appeared in the same node in both parent list then it must be the MRCA so color in red
return 2; // color in blue, the mutation appeared after the MRCA
let selectedNode = {name:"",mutationsList:{},parentList:{}};
let secondNode = {name:"",mutationsList:{},parentList:{}};
export function babarSelectStrain(node,clearSelectedNode) { /// called by the onclick of the REF button added in click.js
function fillMuts(currentNode) { /// make a list of the mutations in the tip and to each mutation associate the name of the node where it appears (last)
var tmpMuts = {};
var o = {,mutationsList:{},parentList:{}};
while ( currentNode != currentNode.parent) {
if (currentNode.branch_attrs && currentNode.branch_attrs.mutations) {
for (var g in currentNode.branch_attrs.mutations) {
if (!tmpMuts[g]) tmpMuts[g] = {};
for (var j = 0; j < currentNode.branch_attrs.mutations[g].length; j++) {
var mut = currentNode.branch_attrs.mutations[g][j];
var ind = parseInt(mut.substr(1));
var base = mut[mut.length-1];
if (!tmpMuts[g][ind]) {
tmpMuts[g][ind] = base;
if (!o.parentList[g]) { o.parentList[g] = []; o.mutationsList[g] = [];}
o.mutationsList[g].push(mut.substr(1)); /// store the mutation as 614G we don't care that it is D614G
currentNode = currentNode.parent;
return o;
/// in click.js
const SmallButtonSelect = styled.button`background-color: #04AA6D; border: none; color: white; padding: 5px; text-align: center; display: inline-block; font-size: 10px; margin: 4px 2px; cursor: pointer; border-radius: 50%; `;
const NodeClickedPanel = ({selectedNode, clearSelectedNode, colorings, observedMutations, geneSortFn, t}) => {
<StrainName>{title} <SmallButtonSelect onClick ={() =>babarselectStrain(selectedNode,clearSelectedNode)}>ref</SmallButtonSelect></StrainName>
Thanks for opening this feature request! This is currently out of our development scope currently, and we have added it to our backlog.