funannotate copied to clipboard
funannotate compare fails at diamond
I have tried to fix this but looks like funannotate compare needs .faa files that doesnt recognise even when I place them in the same directory
/pangenome_out# more funannotate-compare.log [08/22/24 12:40:38]: /root/miniforge3/envs/funannotate_env/bin/funannotate compare -i ../proteins/updated_ATCC.gbk ../proteins/updated_ S11.gbk -o pangenome_out --cpus 16
[08/22/24 12:40:38]: OS: Ubuntu 22.04, 32 cores, ~ 41 GB RAM. Python: 3.12.3 [08/22/24 12:40:38]: Running 1.8.5 [08/22/24 12:40:39]: Input files/folders: ['../proteins/updated_ATCC.gbk', '../proteins/updated_S11.gbk']
[08/22/24 12:40:39]: Now parsing 2 genomes [08/22/24 12:40:50]: working on . [08/22/24 12:41:36]: working on . [08/22/24 12:42:06]: No secondary metabolite annotations found [08/22/24 12:42:06]: Summarizing PFAM domain results [08/22/24 12:42:06]: Summarizing InterProScan results [08/22/24 12:42:06]: Loading InterPro descriptions [08/22/24 12:42:06]: Summarizing MEROPS protease results [08/22/24 12:42:06]: Summarizing CAZyme results [08/22/24 12:42:07]: found 0 CAZy familes [08/22/24 12:42:07]: No COG annotations found [08/22/24 12:42:07]: SignalP raw data: [{}, {}] [08/22/24 12:42:07]: No SignalP annotations found [08/22/24 12:42:07]: [{}, {}]
[08/22/24 12:42:07]: Summarizing fungal transcription factors [08/22/24 12:42:07]: No transcription factor IPR domains found [08/22/24 12:42:07]: Running GO enrichment for each genome [08/22/24 12:42:08]: Running orthologous clustering tool, ProteinOrtho. This may take awhile... [08/22/24 12:42:08]: proteinortho -project=funannotate -synteny -cpus=16 -singles -selfblast ..faa .-1.faa [08/22/24 12:42:09]: CMD ERROR: proteinortho -project=funannotate -synteny -cpus=16 -singles -selfblast ..faa .-1.faa [08/22/24 12:42:09]: ***************************************************************** Proteinortho with PoFF version 6.3.2 - An orthology detection tool
Using 16 CPU threads (1 threads per processes each with 16 threads), Detected 'diamond' version 2.1.8 Checking input files. Checking ..faa... ok Checking .-1.faa... ok
Step 19%) The database for '.-1.faa' is present and will be used The database for '..faa' is present and will be used
Step 2 using diamond with : synteny selfblast
Parameter-vector : (version=6.3.2,step=0,verbose=1,debug=1,synteny=1,duplication=2,cs=3,alpha=0.5,connectivity=0.1,cpus=16,evalue=1e-05 ,purity=-1,coverage=50,identity=25,blastmode=diamond,sim=0.95,report=3,keep=0,force=0,selfblast=1,twilight=0,core=0,coreMinSpecies=0,co reMaxProts=10,pseudo=1,omni=0,identical=0,range=-1,singles=1,clean=0,blastOptions=,makeBlastOptions=,nograph=0,xml=0,desc=0,tmp_path=./ proteinortho_cache_funannotate/,blastversion=2.1.8,binpath=,makedb=diamond makedb -p 16 --in,blast=,jobs_todo=3,project=funannotate,in project=funannotate,po_path=/root/miniforge3/envs/funannotate_env/bin/,run_id=,threads_per_process=5,um=0)
[Error] diamond failed return error code = 256 full error command = diamond blastp --tmpdir . --parallel-tmpdir . --threads 5 --db '/home/jaime2/Synteny_analysis/prot_compar ison/pangenome_out/protortho/.-1.faa.diamond' --query '/home/jaime2/Synteny_analysis/prot_comparison/pangenome_out/protortho/.-1.faa' - e 1e-05 --outfmt 6 --quiet --sensitive --ignore-warnings >'.-1.faa.vs..-1.faa.diamond.tmp' return error message = No such file or directory
Please visit the proteinortho-wiki, where the most common errors are documented:
If you cannot solve this error, please file a report (including the input files, the error code and the above 'Parameter-vector'):
Further more all mails to [email protected] are welcome.
Perl exited with active threads: 15 running and unjoined 0 finished and unjoined 0 running and detached