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I would love to have a score-voting poll for many nuanced single-winner (small-)group-decisions. see http://scorevoting.net/ It can be argued this already exists, but currently it's limited to yes, no or maybe while I would like 0-10 or even 0-99 as possible scores.
What about ordering your score from high to low or vice versa?
@dartcafe that would be cool and convenient! (but don't confuse ordinal voting methods with score-voting ones , see the theory and arguments on http://scorevoting.net/ )
I also need this feature for organizing Gentoo GSoC
I'm also looking for a poll in a score method. a 5-star ranking method would be enough in my case.
Would be pretty amazing if you people could enhance NC polls with more methods!
- 1 for this! Option to distribute a fixed number of votes over all available options would be great!
Option to distribute a fixed number of votes over all available options would be great!
@dartcafe that's not what I mean. I need a poll where each participant gets a fixed number of votes that he can freely distribute over all options, also more than 1 per option.
E.g. 3 Points available, all 3 can be assigned to Option 1, or 2 to Option 1 , 1 for Option B, you get the idea.
Currently, only yes, maybe, no can be used, not a number of points.
But after further reading, this is usually referred to as dot voting and might yet be another voting model that @MellowVoidUser requested...
Yes seems to be another type of voting. This would need a separate issue
An inspiration for the implementation of this new poll type from Loomio: https://help.loomio.com/en/user_manual/polls/proposal_types/index.html#score-poll